Friday, September 21, 2018

Autumn Arrives

Happy Autumn!  It doesn't feel or look much like autumn here.  But that's what the calendar says.  Here is Willow's Week, celebrating Friday Fave Fives with Susanne and others.

1.  About autumn--The Professor announced a couple of days ago that he had just declared that fall has arrived.  Why?  Because it was cool enough in the morning to wear a flannel shirt!  I wore one the other day, too.  So, yeah, I guess it is cooling down a bit.

2.  Early Evening Hike.  There were six of us (including The Professor).  We hiked up and down the hills surrounding a neighboring community for between three and four miles.  I like hiking when the sun is no longer high in the sky--it makes for cooler temperatures.  And our companions were congenial.  (I'm going to post this and then check my camera--did I take any decent photos?  If so, I'll include them later.)

3.  BYOD.  That stands for Bring Your Own Dinner.  We have an arrangement with our friends for dinners.  She and I have been friends since college, and we have maintained our friendship all these years.  Since they live several miles out of town on their ranch, they text us their order for a local eating place, and we get our meals and drive to their place for dinner.  We enjoy our fellowship, and no one has to spend hours preparing and cooking.  I have always called my friend Blueberry Lady, but since they are now growing strawberries, she told me I should change her name to Strawberry Lady.

4.  World's Best Neighbor needed to go to Santa Barbara this week.  We drove her up there.  And since we were already nearby, we popped over to see an old (in both senses of the word) friend, take her to lunch and help her do some grocery shopping.  It was a joy to spend that bit of time with an long time colleague from our Indonesia days.

5.  That loom I purchased?  Here is my first project!  A scarf for those cooler days coming up.  I used two shuttles and two colors to create a sort of herringbone tweed pattern.  I'm so excited!  This is one I'm keeping for myself.

Happy Weekend, Friends!  Be watchful and thankful for those daily blessings.


Barbara H. said...

That scarf looks so nice! It's not feeling like fall yet here in TN, either. I am sure hoping it will cool off soon. I love those kinds of easy dinner get-togethers.

busybusybeejay said...

I love your weaving.What kind of loom is it?I have signed up to do a weaving day course in October but need some help on what kind of loom to buy.

Gracie Saylor said...

So glad you have enjoyed hiking and friends and family and weaving your beautiful scarf this week, Willow! The signs of Fall are increasing up here with flashes of orange, red, and yellow leaves among the green. There seems to me to be the least amount of snow on Mt. Hood that I can remember in the 12+ years I have lived here and I am wondering if it will soon be covered with an autumn snow. Happy Weekend!

susan said...

Thanks for the book tip on Blue Zones. I put a request fro an ebook at our church. I would love to know more about your ministry. I oversee 55+ at my church.

I LOVE your scarf. Is weaving one a fast project? I am more into fast projects than things that take awhile. How fun that you get to keep something for yourself.

Sure is nice that you get to do two kind deeds at one fell swoop. I bet it was great to reminisce about your work in Indonesia. Have you ever considered writing a book about your time there?

BYOD = brilliant idea. That is a great idea to bring ordered food over to your friends' home. I could do that. My grandparents LOVED to cook and loved to have company over. I wish I inherited either gene.

Have a great week.

Susanne said...

Lovely scarf. I smiled just hearing your joy about the new loom. Love that you are still friends with a friend from college. That is an amazing thing!

Ingrid said...

You had a nice week too ! I like too to go out with friends and nobody has to cook !