Friday, October 26, 2018


Happy Friday!  Happy Friday Fave Fives!  Here's how I spent my week.  At least how I spent one of my favorite days this week.  Join us at Living to Tell the Story for Friday Fave Fives.

I've been thinking all week about how to share my day in Down Town Los Angeles.  Yes, I traveled down there again.  This time, two friends from our small artists group wanted to explore LA with me.  Sometimes, people will say, "When I think of Los Angeles, I think of traffic, smog, and Hollywood."  Well, yeah, there is traffic; sometimes there's smog (not much anymore, really); and of course, there is Hollywood, which I avoid, and truly it isn't all that glamorous.

But Los Angeles is so much more.  There's history and beauty and mystery.  And great food.

1.  "The Girls" wanted to go up to the top of the City Hall building.  Twenty-six stories.  The top floor also has a walkway/observation deck all the way around the outside.  You can look down on all of Down Town from the four sides.  What views!

2.  We had to laugh--we found where the Halloween witch keeps her broom.

3.  Right in the middle of the crosswalk, there was the city seal painted on the bricks:

4.  We visited a new to me spot:  The Last Book Store.  Really, it deserves its own post.  Here I am posing in front of a wall of books, one of hundreds.

Tunnel of Books

Of course there was a knit shop tucked into a corner of the second floor.

5.  Los Angeles, like any large city, has its share of funky art, fun signs, and beautiful architectural detail.

I hope you enjoyed your 'day' in Down Town Los Angeles (#dtla) as much as I did.


Ellen D. said...

That is a side of LA that I knew nothing about! Thanks so much for sharing your fun day. Great photos!

Wendy said...

Great photos and a book shop with a knitting corner? What more could you want? Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend.

Barbara H. said...

Nice to see that side of LA! Thank you!

Faith said...

now THERE's a side of LA I've never seen before!! LOVE the tunnel of books!!!!

Susanne said...

What a fun tour! I think I would get lost in that book store and could stay there for hours exploring it. So nice that you got to spend a great day like that with your friends showing them some great things in LA.

ellen b. said...

I really did enjoy your tour of what you saw in downtown L.A.! That bookstore!! Cool.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I love the non-touristy tourist spots in cities. LA actually looks great from your pictures and it is one of the places I would least like to visit.

Ingrid said...

We were in Los Angeles years ago, and it is so spread out that besides the city hall we didn't find anything to look at ! Finally we ended up in Hollywood and visited there. I think that was in 1990 ! when my American aunt was still alive and we quite often went to the States.