Friday, April 01, 2022

Don't Be Foolish; Be Thankful

 Friday Fave Fives in a hurry today.  Heads up.  I will be traveling for three weeks, so I may be in and out of internet.  But I'll do my best.

Here are five things that I am thankful for this week.

1.  The blessing of zooming for a memorial service for a very dear friend.  He passed away and is with Jesus now.  We might have shed a few tears, but they were tears of joy for him.   

2.  My girls and I are off on an adventure!  We've been dreaming and planning and it's happening today.

3.  I'm done packing BEFORE departure time!

4.  I am SO SO SO thankful for The Professor!  He is the best.  He ran to the store to grab something I realized I needed.  He is going to be keeping two teenagers and a pre-teen for a week while their mommies are gone.  THAT'S LOVE.

5.  We got fooled this morning!  Snow on April 1st.  The fave is that it isn't going to 'stick' around.  Can you see the white in the photos?  Yep, that's snow.  Big flaky ones.

Let us hope the weather heeds my advice.  Don't be FOOLISH!


nikkipolani said...

Sounds like you're headed for a grand adventure! Love your daffs but not the snow, however big and flaky they look...

Anonymous said...

I hope you have a sketchbook with you. Looking forward to more beautiful photos. Yea, Professor!! Mary

Barbara Harper said...

Have fun on your grand adventure! Hope the Professor does on his as well. :-) Yay for packing early. I do hope the snow stops falling and goes away before travel time. I am so thankful for the means to view services we can't attend.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Your girls outing sounds like fun. I'm glad there was only a little bit of snow. Have a great time with your daughters. :-)

Karen said...

OH, have fun with your daughters! Can't wait to hear all about your adventure.

Faith said...

OOH...I can't wait to find out where you're going with your girls! And yay for Grandpa watching the teens!

SNOW??? oh thank the good Lord above we didn't get any here in eastern NY. I'm in spring mode now even though today was a bit chilly with the constant wind.

HAVE fun on your adventure and post pics!!

ellen b. said...

Looking forward to seeing and hearing about what you girls fill your time away with!

Monica said...

Hope you have a wonderful time! Looking forward to hearing all about it when you get home! What a wonderful guy to keep the grands! :D