Friday, July 19, 2024

Friday Fave Fives, Third Week of July

I'm late for Friday Fave Fives. But at least I'm here, and it's still Friday.  It's been a busy week but there have been so many wonderful things happening.  (And this is why I still don't have my Ireland/England photos downloaded to my laptop.)  Let's get right to my Five Faves.

1.  Our week has revolved around one special thing.  My cousin came to visit!  I call her my Sister-Cousin because during our growing up years, we were very close.

2.  Sis-Cuz was in another city in Ohio attending a wedding over the weekend.  On Monday, we drove to meet up with her.  We chose a cute small coffee shop to meet, not knowing that it was a very new spot.  A perfect place to meet -- good coffee and ambience.

3.  All the chats and laughs we had!  Lots of memories from our childhood.  I loved that our daughters seemed to have the same bond with her, too.

4.  On Sunday, July 14th, The Professor and I celebrated our fifty-first wedding anniversary.  I am the most fortunate woman to have such a wonderful husband!

5.  I couldn't have a Fave Five in the summer without mentioning my garden.  Our wildflower garden has exploded with-- flowers!  The bees are delighted.


Tom said... mother and father were only children, so I have no cousins. Next month my Sweetie and I will celebrate our 56th. Those sunflowers are a delight, tomorrow we are going to check out some sunflowers farms.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I have a "sister-cousin" much like you, and she lives very near you in Ohio, in Albany, Ohio. (Is that near you?) Her name is Becky, and we grew up more like sisters than cousins because we were about 9 months apart in age and lived about 10 miles from each other, so we spent a lot of time together in the summer and holidays, etc. She was an only child and I was the youngest of 4, but my siblings were a bit older and didn't have as much time for me! LOL. Congratulations on your 51st wedding anniversary! I LOVE the photo! Such a beautiful bride and handsome groom!! And I also love your sunflowers! Really happy and pretty! So wonderful to hear from you. Have a lovely weekend.

Faith said...

How fun to have a "sis-cuz" I do not although a couple of my cousins I do see from time to time. BUT i have a sister in Christ who is so close to me that it's like we are biological sisters. IN fact I feel closer to her than to my own 3 biological sisters. hahah

I love your list of faves.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY (belated). A real testimony of a solid marriage.

I hope you have a blessed weekend.

Barbara Harper said...

How fun to visit with your sister-cousin! And belated happy anniversary to you! Our wildflowers are going wild, too. This is the first year we have planted any, and I love the surprises.

ellen b. said...

So nice to be able to make the drive for a cousin/sis catch-up in person. Happy 51st to you and the Professor. A good husband is a blessing indeed! Looks like you've recovered from your International travel!

Wendy said...

How nice to spend time with your cousin. I have a cousin who is like a sister to me and 2 others who are close and we have a WhatsApp group where we all keep in touch. Happy anniversary!

Monica said...

Congratulations on 50 years! That is amazing these days. How fun that you got to spend time with your sister-cousin. I love your beautiful flower garden. Thanks for sharing the color with us!

nikkipolani said...

That is so great that you got to reconnect in person with someone so close to you and share some of that with your girls.

What wonderful blessings with a life partner for more than 51 years. Congrats!

Hey, I want to see much much more of your garden. Please?

Jennifer said...

Yes indeed - your garden is doing so well! What beautiful summery blooms!! Sounds like a lovely visit. So nice to have those memories. And congratulations and happy anniversary! So few make it to 50 years....and then beyond! What a gift and a special blessing!!

Ingrid said...

I have to protest, you are not the only one with a wonderful husband, mine was wonderful too, we were married 54 years and then he passed away. Nice that you had such nice visits and could chat about the past !