Friday, July 26, 2024

July, Last Week

 July is just flying by.  Here we are in the last week.  As of yesterday, it is five months to Christmas.  As the week soared along, I kept stopping to think about the blessings of each day.  And now it's Friday and I am writing my Friday Fave Fives to share and encourage you.

This week, the focus seemed to be on interactions with people.

1.  We had our usual coffee hang out with T and S. Always so much fun!

2.  Wednesday morning, I picked up a phone call from Younger Daughter. "Mom, can you do coffee and knitting with me this morning?"  Obvious answer was YES!  So we drove toward the big city and stopped at a new place for me.

Then we drove into the city and stopped by a knit shop to browse.  And since I had an appointment to pick of four books for myself and three others for our Bible study which begins in September, we did that errand.  All together it was a delightful day.

3.  Two of those books were picked up by a lady who owns chickens and has lots of eggs.  So the next day, she stopped by and gave us a dozen.  Wow!  What generosity!

4.  I drove to drop off that other book and chatted with that lady.  She's an experienced weaver!  We are making plans to get together and talk more about weaving.

5.  I'm uber driver for Tall Boy to take him to his piano lessons.  During the drive and for quite a while after, we talked. And talked.  It made my mema heart so happy.

Bonus:  a couple of flowers from my garden.


ellen b. said...

The best of weeks with so many good interactions with people. What a blessing!

Tom said... many of us have been uber drivers before the we knew the term.

Faith said...

LOVE all the opportunities you had to connect with loved ones, BIble study partners and friends over coffee, in the car (teens do their best conversations in the car sometimes don't they??!!) or coffee shops;
and also those blooms are so cheerful!
Enjoy a beautiful weekend!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Glad you had a nice week and experienced the kindness of family and friends. So glad you were able to spend some quality time talking with your daughter and grandson. It's always good to see what you are up to! Have a good weekend. See you again soon.

Susan said...

My grandkids call their grandpa Ampa Uber. Your day with your daughter sounds so nice! Great that you could meet up with so many this week. I am watching the Olympics now as I write. Enjoy your weekend!

Barbara Harper said...

What a lovely week with lots of good interactions! My middle son opened up in the car more than anywhere else when he was a teen. The flowers are pretty!

Melanie said...

My daughter and I often meet on Google meet to knit. I'm glad you and your daughter were able to meet and do the same along with coffee. How fascinating to meet with your friend who weaves. It's nice to combine visiting with book delivering!

I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Wendy said...

Sounds like a lovely week. Hope this one is good too.

Anonymous said...

Those talks with grandchildren are the best. Summer flowers. Such bright, happy colors. I just made a bouquet this morning that I am enjoying. Mary

Jennifer said...

I'm sure an impromtu day with your daughter was a highlight of the week! Sounds like a lovely week to me. What Bible study are you going to be doing? Do you lead it??

Jennifer said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog!! A study of Revelations - that sounds like a busy, if not intense, year of study! I hope it is a huge blessing for you!!

nikkipolani said...

Love all the interactions with your kids and grandkids. What a blessing to be near and in their lives in all the routine and not-routine ways (like those gorgeous coffees and treats).