Thursday, August 15, 2024

Mid August Means Travel

 Friday Fave Fives from Willow as she travels.  It's not always easy to be online and have access and time to post.  But for me it is important that I focus on the best parts of each week and share those blessings here on my blog.  So I am resting this evening in yet another hotel and reviewing in my mind what happened this week.

1.  A few hours spent with one of my best friends from college years.  M and I traveled with the woman I have named Blueberry Lady here on the blog.  The three of us spent two summers and four school years singing as a trio and representing our college.  M lives in Iowa now and we were able to have lunch with her and catch up on our lives.

M and me a couple of years ago when we visited her in Iowa

2.  Then we drove north a bit and spent the evening and overnight with The Professor's cousin who lives on a large farm there in Iowa.  She always makes me feel like I am just as much a cousin as The Professor is to her.

3.  A very special thing happened that Saturday evening.  We met our older son in Kansas and had dinner with him and then breakfast the next morning!  He is an Army Reserve Chaplain and had duty in Kansas that weekend.  What a wonderful time we had with him!

4.  Older daughter, our rocket scientist engineer, celebrated her birthday this week!

5.  And... we have made our way across the United States, driving along the Oregon Trail (as closely as possible) through Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Idaho, Oregon and Washington.  I have taken so many photos!  But I'm having more difficulties downloading them so I can post them.  (We know a solution so hopefully we can fix this problem soon).  Our favorite?  Driving over South Pass in Wyoming along the actual wagon ruts (for about a half mile on BLM land) where the Oregon pioneers drove their wagons! And now we are almost to our destination.  We are taking a quick detour into Washington to visit the Hanford site of the Manhattan Project, a National Historical Site.

I hope you are finding many things in your life, too, that make you grateful!


Tom said...

...a fabulous trip.

Faith said...

Your trip sounds like something Dave and i would LOVE (if only he was retired!!). Happy Birthday to your rocket scientist girl who looks just like you!
How fun to catch up with a college friend AND your son!
ENJOY the rest of your trip.

ellen b. said...

So close, yet so far away. :) Happy trails to you.

Melanie said...

What a wonderful adventure you are having! And getting to reconnect with old friends. I think following the trails of the pioneers would be fascinating. And how lovely to be able to meet up with your son! You're collecting so many wonderful memories!

Karen said...

I love hearing about your trip. This is something Dan and I would really enjoy. Your travels took you through such interesting country, and how fun to see family and friends along the way.
P.S. I can't believe you and I are the first two post FFF this week. We're usually the last! lol

Susan said...

Sounds like you are having a wonderful trip. I read a series of books called Wagons West and learned about the different states that were visited on the way to Oregon. I was in Oregon this time last year. So many trees! Nice that you got to meet up with your friend and family!

Anonymous said...

I’m so glad I got to be part of that wonderful trip. Happy birthday to older daughter!

Wendy said...

Glad you are having a good trip and managed to meet up with your son. Birthday wishes to your daughter. Safe travels.

Susanne said...

Wow, it sounds like a great road trip! And how wonderful to be able to spend time with your son. Happy birthday to your daughter. Spending time with old friends you don't get to see often is such a blessing!

nikkipolani said...

What a great group of faves that includes many of your always-fave items! Travel with a long time friend, travel along historical routes, travel to a historical site, making a great memory with your older daughter and son too!

Jennifer said...

Sounds like you are having a wonderful time!! Enjoy the rest of you trip and safe travels! Happy birthday wishes to your daughter!!