Thursday, August 22, 2024

Still On the Road

 This is another week of Friday Fave Fives that I am focusing on our travels. Yes, this has been a long trip. Long but wonderful.  We have put many many miles on our car, and seen many many places in the past two weeks.  These are the highlights from this past week for which I am thankful.

1.  The one full day we were in western Oregon, we happened to be there for a memorial service for a family member (we did not know when the service would be when we left home).  Although the occasion was a sad one, the service for my cousin's husband, it was also a reunion for all the cousins on my father's side of our family. I honestly can't recall the last time we were all together. Yes, six boys and two girls.

2. And after the memorial, four of us dragged our spouses along to a coffee shop so we could continue talking and remembering and making more memories. Actually, when we planned this trip, we did not know there would be a service or that we would see all my cousins.  It was a very special time.  (We were in the Portland area for only thirty-six hours!)

3.  Of course, if we are on the west coast, we have to make a visit to the beach!

Yaquina Head Lighthouse

4.  Our drive home is taking us through mountain passes, among evergreen forests and along basin and range desert-like terrain, and midwest breadbasket farms.  Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and finally Ohio. We love to travel, obviously. But we are also looking forward to being home soon.

Twin Falls, Idaho

Long, straight roads through Idaho and Wyoming.

5.  I am thankful that both my brother and The Professor are good drivers.  On Sunday, on the way to the beach, we drove through a torrential rainstorm.  Safely.  And all along the highways and byways, two lane roads, and freeways, we have been safe.  As I mentioned to The Professor just this afternoon, it is amazing that there are so few road accidents, considering all the cars and trucks and busses on the roads and all the drivers (good and bad).  We have three more long days of driving to reach home; we would appreciate any and all prayers for our safety.

PS:  did you notice that I actually was able to post a few photos?  We may have a solution!


Susan said...

Hi Willow, I was glad to see you posted and with pictures. I was at that lighthouse this week a year ago! There was a big fire over there so that weather was a bit overcast. I bet you will be happy to get home. Sade travels!

Faith said...

What a great trip! How special that you were able to connect with all those cousins and have some extra time! LOVE the beach pic. The only midwestern states I've driven through (1984 when i was 24 and SO far from God) was Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri on my way to kansas city MO where i lived for 2 weeks. LONG story. Some day i really should write about that . hahah I did NOT like the flatness of IN and IL
I hope you arrive home safe and sound! Enjoy the rest of the drive.

ellen b. said...

Hooray for photos and for road trips! Road trips that have meaningful meet ups are doubly nice. Glad you could see so many cousins in one stop! May God bring you safely home again!!

Jennifer said...

So glad you have had safety while you are on the road. A lot of travel...but it looks like you are having a great time. And how nice that you could see all your cousins (although the circumstance was sad)...I cannot remember the last time I have seen many of my cousins. Enjoy the rest of your trip and, yes, it will be nice to get home. Always is:)

Anonymous said...

You and John look exceptionally happy in those photos. The Oregon coast is such a beautiful place (although the signs warning of tsunami areas certainly gave me pause). I will be praying for good traveling during the rest of your trip. Mary

Tom said...

...the lighthouse and road speek to me. Be well.

Melanie said...

I'm enjoying your travel along with you. It is sad to meet up with your cousins in such a way but it's wonderful to be able to see them.
The beach and lighthouse are lovely. I used to live in Vancouver,WA, right over the bridge from Portland. Beautiful country. I've been to the Oregon coast, very rugged and beautiful!
Have a safe drive home.

Barbara H. said...

I'm sorry to hear of your cousin's husband's passing. How great that you were able to be there, though, and spend time with your cousins.

My husband is from Twin Falls! We drove there and back in our twenties--I don't think I could handle being in a car that long now.

I hope your trip home goes as well as the rest has!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am sorry for your loss. But what a beautiful trip it was! Plus a family reunion.