Sunday, March 16, 2025

March 16

 March Photo a Day.  March 16.  Hobby.

Well, this was an easy one.  If you have been reading my blog for more than a month, you will know the answer.  My hobby?  Yarn and knitting.

Sometimes I spin my own yarn.

Sometimes, I knit with commercial yarn.

Nary a day passes without me knitting.


Tom said...

...I remember as a kid helping my mother roll yarn.

Willow said...

My hubby has become a master at that :)

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Amazing! what a lovely hobby to have! I know many people have been blessed by your gifts! How neat that you even spin your own yarn...or would that be that you tell tales? Isn't that also "spinning a yarn"? LOL. have a lovely St. Patrick's Day.