I have been learning a number of things during this certification for the knitting guild. I learned this weekend that circular lace should be blocked on a perfect circle. So I pulled out a plate, made a circle by tracing around it and cutting out the paper. There's your perfect circle. Then I pinned the lace, stretching it out so the pattern is visible.

When photographed against a dark background, the lace pattern is easier to see.

This is the last swatch I have to knit. I still have two reports (six kinds of fiber and blocking and care of handknits), two design book reviews, and two knitting magazine reviews to write up. I also have to design and knit a Fair Isle hat and an Aran sweater. I spent yesterday practicing the hat pattern, both the style and shape of the hat and the color changes for the Fair Isle pattern. I also spent some time reading about the history of Aran sweaters in a book by Alice Starmore. Will I finish all this by the end of March? I don't know. But I'm going to try.
Your circular lace swatch is gorgeous! Good work! Unless you are going to knit a baby hat and sweater, I don't see how you can do all that by the end of March. Go ahead. Prove me wrong.
did you just throw down the gauntlet?????
sounds like it to me!
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