Sunday, February 03, 2008

What a Difference

What a difference twenty four hours--or even twelve--make in our weather. I woke in the middle of the night to the sound of raindrops pit pat pitter pattering on our roof. The rain clouds blew in after we went to bed. By Super Bowl time this afternoon, the skies were clear again, the strong offshore wind having blown the dark clouds east.

After church this morning, we drove down Pacific Coast Highway through Malibu to meet up with Mike and give him, among other items, his Moss Stitch Urban Scarf and matching Hat, and have lunch with him.

On the way home, north on PCH, we pulled off at Sycamore Cove to check out the coastal part of Pt. Mugu State Park. Yesterday, when we were hiking, if we had turned left instead of right after we left the creek bed, we could have walked down hill all the way to the Pacific Ocean, to Sycamore Cove. We would have walked down this trail and passed this old sycamore tree.
We could have crossed the highway and walked the hundred feet to the sands of Sycamore Cove Beach. Yesterday the waves would have been lower and there would have been no white caps on the surface of the water. Today the wind was whipping up the waves, spray and sand along the coastline, blowing the palm fronds sideways. In Santa Monica, we had to swerve into the right lane to avoid--I kid you not!--a large tumbleweed!

The weather forecast says we may get more rain (30% chance) tonight and the winds will continue to gust. Tomorrow? Who knows?


Mama Mia said...

How beautiful! We must be a day behind you-- it's been pouring since last night.

Miss you TONS!
p.s. love the scarf and hat-- Mikee's so handsome!

Jane said...

Hi I found you through Raindrops 2Rainbows, beautiful scenery i enjoyed your walk too. Jane

Tracy said...

Wonderful photos--that tree is a delight! And that scarf & hat are terrific. Your honey looks happy wearing them! Happy Days ((HUGS))

kate said...

It sounds as if you are having some wonky weather these days! The photograph of the beach is beautiful ...

Mike looks great in his scarf and toque. I love them!

Heather said...

That trail is calling me. Whata lovely walk that must have been. Cool hat too!

Beatriz said...

Great pictures.

Come Away With Me said...

Those pesky tumbleweeds do get around to the most unexpected places!

We had the same weather you did yesterday. I walked around the Cerritos Mall a few times to get those step counts up.

This morning the sun is shining brightly....

Barbara said...

What an interesting shape that Sycamore tree is and is that the Tumbleweed on the beach.

Elizabeth said...

The hat looks very cool and stylish.
And warm.