I got the yummiest package in the mail last week! Bamboo yarn from Roxie at Sanna's Bag! I won some blue variegated yumminess and I actually took it to San Diego last week to show it to MamaMia.

Now the big question is~~~ what shall I make with this one skein of beautiful blue?
Ooooo pretty! Do let us know when you decide what to make!!
Very pretty!
Pretty. A nice scarf? Maybe soem warm slippers?
Oh, I love the shades of blue! I like the idea of a scarf.
Beautiful shade of blue!! I am sure you'll make something wonderful out of it :)
Beautiful colours! I'd be tempted to have it in a bowl just to look at for a while and then sudenly the right idea will come to you. I put fabric out in this way too.
I'm laughing here. . clearly I cannot ask you to make me something. . really I am chuckling.
Okay ..seriously. .it is beautiful yarn. It looks quite fine... translated to me means . . takes a long time to knit up. . smiling some more.
Would there be enough to make a vest? It looks so light weight perfect for the southern climate. .or a shrug? oh. . what about socks? Is it fine enough for socks? I'll look forward to seeing the results. .
It's not at all elastic. I wouldn't suggest socks. It's silky and has a splendid soft drape. One skein will make a scarf. That color just HAD to go live with you!!
I agree with Roxie, it is just crying out to be made into a scarf. Much too nice to be worn on feet! :o)
That is a beautiful color too - with the varying shades of blue. I'm sure it will become something special :-)
The blue is absolutely heavenly! Heavenly like the sky or like a tropical ocean... such wonderful possibilities.
That is stunning. Definitely something you can wear where you can see it. A scarf?
What a beautiful skein of yarn. It wouldn't felt, would it? You could knit and felt one of those little felted bowls.
Maybe a hat? It is so beautiful!!!
Wow, I missed this post on my last visit! What gorgeous, gorgeous blues in that yarn.
Re Dorothy Wordsworth, I think the daffodils are found in this journal, but I haven't reached that entry yet. I've seen mention elsewhere of how her journal entries, read by her brother, inspired many of his poems during this period....and daffodils is one of them.
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