When you're on a road trip, it's exciting to get in the car at home and back out of the driveway. You wave 'bye and say, 'I love you' and 'We'll call every day' and you settle in to your car seat and check the map and say, 'We'll have to make xxx miles every day and maybe we can drive a few extra miles today and get there early.'
I tried to document the trip by taking photos through the windows of the car as we whizzed along Route 66. I practiced different settings with the new camera.
Day 1: Crossing the California desert.
The Colorado River is the border between California and Arizona.

Day 2: New Mexico's red rocks and plateaus.
Details of a large decorative sidewalk art piece in Gallup.
Birds at a rest stop.
A typical Oklahoma farm.

Taking advantage of the wind sweepin' across the plain.

By the third day of driving driving driving, I was thinking, 'If it's Wednesday, it must be Missouri - or Illinois - or Indiana.'
I practiced using the night settings to try to capture the Gateway Arch in St. Louis (not very successfully).
Evidence of spring in eastern Indiana.

On the fourth day, for some reason (travel fatigue? Who ever heard of a blogger tired of documenting everything?) I quit taking photos. The picture above is the last one I took. I didn't realize it until I got home and uploaded all the photos from the camera. Weird.
Did you know that you can call someone (Mike, MamaMia, The Professor) and say, 'Where is the closest Starbuck's? We're at Exit XY just before Tulsa (or Columbus) and need a pickmeup cuppa'? Well, you can do that. And you can find motels that way, too. And Fast Food. And other amenities for your road trip that aren't marked on your AAA map. Just so you know, for your next road trip...
Back home now, I wonder to myself, 'Did I really take a trip last week? Did I really travel 2300 miles by car and more than that by plane?' It's such a blur I can scarcely remember it.
Our hot weather finally broke today and the marine layer has moved in and cooled Ventura County considerably. Maybe tomorrow afternoon it will be cool enough to plant my seeds.
As I commented at the end of my last post, I have been working on a couple of projects that are keeping me rather busy. One, for school, I finished today. Another one, I will share next week. Here's a hint: Knit, purl. Knit, purl.