The New Boy was visiting and wanted to help.
4. The photos above are the last ones I will be taking with my little camera. It died today. Why would I list this as a fave? I have loved this little piece of electronics and have carried it with me everywhere I've gone for more than two years. It opened up my eyes to the wonderful world of colors, shapes, light, dark, action, stillness. Did I say I loved that camera? I shall miss it. And Son # Two gave it to me.
5. Which brings me to my last fave this week. Knowing how much joy photography has brought to me, The Professor told me this evening after I showed him the reason for the demise of my carmera that we would be going to the camera store in the morning, bright and early, to try out a couple of camera options he has been researching for me. The new camera will be bought just in time. It's Spring Break, you know. I have places to go and things to see!
In case I do not have the opportunity to post before Sunday, I want to wish you all a very Happy Easter.
He Is Risen!
To read about other people's great weeks, go to Susanne's blog.
Great photos and wonderful FFF. Have a Happy Easter
Congratulations on that new camera, which ever one you choose, Willow! I wasn't much into taking pictures myself until my hubby got me my own little camera last year. So I know what you mean. I love mine too!
Happy, happy Easter!
Have fun choosing a new camera! With all the great (warm-looking) photos over your last few posts, I've sort of been able to forget that it actually snowed for a while on Wednesday here in NYC. :0
So sad your camera died but so happy you will get it replaced soon!! I love the photo of new boy so engrossed with that weed!!
I'm headed to the grocery store to buy the ingredients for Lana and my cooking adventure today. Keep me posted on your here and theres Willow. I'm praying for ya'all...
Ah .. you just enjoy that new camera. . and the new boy ..isn't he a little man already? So fun to have helpers around the yard. I made the mistake of picking a daffodil for the grandgirlie. .that is one demo she didn't need. . .its all good ..healthy children are such a blessing.
How sweet of the Professor to have already been researching camera options for you! Aren't hubbies who do that kind of thing just such a blessing! Mine did the same for me so I know of what I speak! :v)
Aww having the New Boy helping you is so precious. Little do love to plant in the dirt, don't they?
P.S. I've got you linked up so not to worry about it.
The Boy sure is growing!
Oh, a new camera - wonderful! I'll be interested to know what you get.
How great to be able to get a new camera! Those are lovely photos of the flowers.
We have spring break this next week, too.
Happy Easter!
I love the photo of the New Boy. He is concentrating so hard!
I know how it feels to have your camera die. I'm on camera #2 and wish I had bought a better one. Someday, there will be a camera #3! I enjoy digital cameras so much!
I'm going to comment on the new camera too. Isn't it funny how excited we all get about a NEW camera. Glad DH is taking you shopping.
The New Boy sure is a cutie!
Oh, how I wish I were growing carrots ~ such fun to pull them out of the ground ~ but you have to be patient or they are very very skinny - LOL
I'm sorry about the camera but what fun to get a new one ~ you will have to let us know what you choose.
PS Matilda and Elizabeth will have to meet someday!
Lovely photos, Willow! New Boy is growing up too, too fast...he's getting sooo big! Sorry to hear about the camera woes...but so glad you're fixed with a new one--wishing you good times with your new toy! ;o) And wishing you and all of your a wonderful Easeter weekend! ((HUGS))
You do take wonderful photographs. I haven't bought a new camera in so long, I don't have any idea what I would buy.
Love the pic of the "Little Guy" helping. My kids had their own gardens when they weren't too much older than he is. Lots of digging...not much actual tending, of course:)
Happy Easter Kak Willow, love the photo of the new boy..so curious to seek out everything. He is such a joy to look at, even more to be with. hugs...M
really lovely photos.
I enjoyed your description of what carrying a camera around with you has done for your view of the world. I've experienced the same thing.
Have fun with a NEW camera! What a great blessing...
Happy Resurrection Day!
Happy Easter!
Alleluia He is Risen!
He is risen indeed!
I'm excited that you are getting a camera -- can't imagine not having a working one!
Happy Easter to you all...
Christos Voskress! Voistina Voskress!
Христос Воскрес!
Воистину воскрес!
Love the flowers. Mine are little seedlings. Things like the plastic strawberry or tomato punnets are great as covered propagators for seeds which need a little more heat.
I hope you get to be new best friends with your new camera. I am still getting to know mine and know it's limitations. Hubby had to take some of "my" pics today with his camera as it does more. If I get too close I have a background in perfect focus rather than what I want to take a pic of.
Happy Easter!
It is a little feeling of spring...
Happy Easter my friend, and I hope the Easter Bunny has brought you a fabulous new camera!! I got a new one when my old one went into coma, ( it did not die, it still works) and I can never say enough just HOW HAPPY I am with it!!!
Blessings to you my friend....It's been so busy here, but as I go to bed tonight I am thinking about you...
I am so excited about your Professor going to the camera shop with you.
He sounds like a real keeper. That's what my spouse would do...
Praying for you!
Beautiful Poppie pictures!
Is he really that big already?!!!! Wasn't he just born? Wow... time flies. Good luck with the camera hunting... you probably already got it, didn't you? ;)
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