Friday, May First!
1. We have been blessed with lovely weather this week. "Early morning coastal fog and low cloudiness, giving way to sunshine later in the day." I've shivered a bit as I've gotten in to the car in the mornings with the temperature at around 52 to 55 F. But by lunchtime the weather has been sunny and the temperature hovering aroudn 65 or 70F. My kind of weather!

2. For some crazy reason there has been 'wildlife' around. On our afternoon walks in my neighborhood, Ellen and I have seen a mallard duck guarding the DRY culvert,

a deer crossing the road.
(Don't go there, I know what you're thinking. I don't know why.)

4. and 5. I completed a really big project this week. I have been honored to be asked by Bethany at Red Yarn to send some of my handspun yarn and handknitted bunnies to Hatch Studio and Gallery
which is opening THIS WEEKEND! I have seen the work of other people whose handcrafts will be shown there and I am thrilled to be included. On Saturday, I sent a package containing

four bunnies

(this is natural brown llama fiber spun into two ply yarn)
Please pop over to Bethany's website and see what Hatch is all about and if you live in the Lancaster, Pennsylvania area, drop in and see all the amazing artists' work displayed there.
To enjoy other people's weeks, go to Susanne's blog and see what they've posted for their Fave Fives this Friday.
I bet the duck was loving the sun ;-) and who can blame him.Have a great weekend.
I love the pic of the deer...So sweet! And your bunnies are so precious.
What great pictures. The deer one is especially wonderful. Your bunnies are fantastic. Great FFF and have a great weekend :)
oops forgot Rabbit, rabbit
I'm glad those bunnies had each other for company all the way to Pennsylvania! So cute...
Love your photos! The Mallard really came out good...that's one good zoom :0)
Congratulations on the invitation to the opening. No wonder you were asked! Your creations are lovely. Especially the sweet bunnies and darling sweater in the post below.
Sounds like you and Ellen have been having some great walks!
Happy weekend Willow!
Nice temps we've been having -- cool and perfect for enjoying the outdoors. And what a collection of wildlife you've seen this week! Now about your bunnies... so cute, but I hope you didn't send "my" bunny to PA!
Oh, the cousins are jumping around here with excitement...They sense something is happening...Can they join in? Someday I Keep telling them.
Have a wonderful time at Yarn Exhibit!
You spin your own wool? I am mega impressed! The bunnies are adorable.
I want to bask in the sun like your duck! ;v)
I'm so happy for you that your work was honored and included at the Hatch. Your bunnies look adorable!
Loved the wildlife pictures. You and Ellen take the best pictures!
OH Willow. . when I saw the bunnies I wanted another. . it is similar to wanting another child when a wee one comes along.
But. . oh .. I did think of you when I posted today .. and I was quite glad the picture is old and unclear. .but at the same time, I knew you would be both amused and a little proud of Anna and William's mom.
It looks like we will have 70 F here today too .. I love it.
You always have the most pleasant fave five!
Do you share your sweet bunny pattern? I can think of two little grandbabies who would love those!
Awww, those rabbits are so adorable!! I hope the deer did not get hurt! And we've had great weather here again today, while the rest of the week was rather chilly, today was another day to eat outside!!
I hope you have a great weekend Willow!! Enjoy the sun!
To get to the other side! (of course) I love the picture of that quail -- he does seem a bit lost and confused, doesn't he?
What an incredible list, Willow! I especially enjoyed #3 ... It reminded me of when I had season tickets to performances that featured Canadian Brass, Chuck Mangione, Wynton Marsalis, and others. Fun times! The pictures are wonderful.
Your bunnies are ABSOLUTELY precious! You are so very talented!
What beatiful pictures!
Oh! what a fun post. Poor, little quail. Every once in a while we'll see a covey of them on our morning runs, scurrying across the road.
I can' say enough about your bunnies. They look like they just need to be cuddled by someone.
Your bunnies are adorable. I plan to be in Lancaster this summer. Hatch looks like a wonderful place to visit!
Loved your list!
Amazing views of wildlife - I love the serendipity of such viewing. Your knitted bunnies are amazing, I'm completely awed by such ability.
I love the bunnies, they are so cute. Congratualtions that your work is eing honored.
I also love the pictures - how wonderful to capture those moments!
You had a good week.
Go Lakers!!
You had a very productive and interesting week! (Love all the bunnies!) I'm going over to check out Hatch right now!
OOOO..we just had thunder...hope the Dogwood trees don't lose their blooms!!
You're bunnies are so cute and nice. No wonder they wanted them!
I loved the pictures of the animals.
What a great list. I love the birds and the deer. Fun to see those in the neighborhood I'm sure.
Beautiful yarns and cute little softie animals.
I hope you have a great weekend.
Remember life in Portland when 52 degree temps meant shorts and t-shirts for the teens?
The quail is shouting, "This is my turf and I'm king around here." He's warning other males away, and beckoning the females. "Hey, baybee! Hey baybee!"
Ducks don't always nest by water. Since that's a drake, he may have a hen on a nest nearby.
And the deer, well, they get romantic in the fall, so he's probably just showing the possums that crossing the road is possible.
Love the bunnies. what a treat your fave fives always are!
Another wonderful fave five, that deer is so cute, we see them only in the zoo, how sad. Have a blessed week ahead Kak Willow :P
I am loving the days of sunshine we are having between showers. Congratulations on being asked to cntribute to Hatched. The bunnies look adorable. I am sure they will sell in no time.
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