1. and 2. and 3.
Last weekend I spent not one, not two, but THREE days with special people, enjoying my favorite places. On Friday I went to Ventura with a friend who had never been there before. She loved it and we had a wonderful wonderful time talking and walking and walking and talking. Then on Saturday, The Professor and I went back to Ventura and did the same thing!
On Sunday afternoon The Professor and I had tickets to visit five local homes and gardens. The tour benefits the local hospice. I loved the gardens and if you scroll down you can read a couple of my posts about the garden tour. Yes, I loved the gardens but I kept losing my focus on the plants and seeing other interesting things like this sign
and the pottery.

4. I have been spinning and spinning this week. After I've taught, tutored, and walked with Ellen, I have sat down at the spinning wheel and spun to my heart's content. Fortunately we have had leftovers to eat as I haven't spent much time in the kitchen.
5. Monday nights I attend a Women's Bible Study and this week's lesson on Jesus' last prayer (John 17, if you want to read it) was one of the best in this series. This coming week is our last class and I'll miss meeting with the women in the group.
It was a good week!
People have asked about the Jesusita Fire in Santa Barbara. Santa Barbara is 30 miles north of us so we are not affected by the fire, although an elderly friend of ours lives quite close to the mandatory evacuation line and I've told her that she is welcome here any time day or night if she needs to evacuate.
Share the joys of this past week with others at Susanne's blog Living To Tell The Story.
That is a lovely shot of the blue gecko! Real geckos are not so cute to me!
Great FFF. You've been one busy lady. Great week. Happy Mother's Day to you :)
I'd love to go walking with you in Ventura, Willow! Maybe someday...
glad you had such a great time the pictures look great as well
What a lovely week you had, Willow. I enjoyed the details of numbers 1, 2, and 3.
I'm really glad you're not in the path of the fire.
What a wonderful week! The walking talking sounds right up my alley! :v)
I love swimming pool blue too. Home and garden tours are fun. I love to see what creative people do with their gardens.
Beautiful photos Willow. That new camera and you are doing well. I love that last photo. Who needs to spend lots of time in the kitchen anyway :0) The Jesusita fire hasn't gotten close enough to Westmont to evacuate them. They are having finals this week and graduation is scheduled for Saturday...30,000 people evacuated!! That is a staggering number..
It seems you got a lot of favorites in this week: visiting, spinning, and photo-taking. You and your new camera are doing a great job!
God bless, and Happy Mother's Day!
Definitely sounds like a great week! All that walking and talking and looking around and filling your eyes with good things.
Happy Mother's Day! Hugs.
I love the gecko at the bottom of that pool! And I'm so glad to hear that you're well out of the danger zone. :)
I really liked Ventura too when we visited. Such a pretty place.
You had a good week. I like your pictures, very pretty especially the swimming pool blue. I love that blue too.
Happy Friday.
What beautiful pics and I enjoyed the ones from earlier posts, too!
Sounds a lovely week, I would love to hear more of Ventura. Jane x
What a beautiful picture of Ventura! I just marvel sometimes at God's creation!
I love the pictures you took!! What a lovely week you had!!
Just had to update and say they did evacuate Westmont this morning :0(
Thank goodness it's the last day of classes...
Hi Willow...I am not sure what series your friend has available, or if she just wants to find a variety of leveled books. There is quite a bit when you google leveled books...here's one example...http://www.readinga-z.com/guided/leveled_list.html
Looks like you had a wonderful time on your 3 days and LOVELY pictures!
Willow, your photos are extremely artistic. Very lovely.
Oooh, that's a fun list!! Beautiful photos. So glad you got to enjoy some good times!!
Sounds like a lovely week.
Looks like a terrific week all around there...the pools shots have me mesmerized too...Boy, the week did go fast, whew...Hope you're having a great weekend, Willow :o) ((HUGS))
I love touring homes...new ones and old ones. We always have a Spring fling in our downtime area and old homes open up to tour...its great. The picture of the ocean was great to see.
Glad you had a great week. You've been very busy. I wish I lived closer to you. I would love to learn how to spin.
Happy Mother's Day, my friend.
Looks like a beautiful place, Willow. Happy Mother's Day to you :)
I've just come back from SB where I went on Tuesday to visit my parents and arrived 1.45 minutes before the fire broke out. It started 1.8 miles from their home. We believe their home was spared but it's in the foothills and they are still not allowed in the area.
Hi Willow!
I hope you've had a very happy Mother's Day!
Good to hear that you're not close to those fires...so sad to see all those homes burning.
You had a good week last week and I hope the one ahead will be even better.
The swimming pool lizard is an amazing photo. Like you I love the colour- so uplifting even on a drizzly day like today. It sounds like you had a wonderful week.
Great pictures of the ventura.Language are imaginative but descriptive for the readers. Good support to each topic in the article.
Oooh, that's a fun list!! Beautiful photos. So glad you got to enjoy some good times!!. Thank you for the sharing this.
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