3. Another nice thing The Professor did was track down and purchase a book I wanted to read on the trip. Stand: A Call for the Endurance of the Saints, edited by John Piper. I read almost all of it in one day, being pulled along into each contributors' insights and personal stories.
4. The look on The New Boy' face when he saw his grandma and grandpa! Just a note here: Mama and Grandma are obviously second rate in the "I love you best" category. Grandpa wins every time! Arms upstretched, smile lighting up the face, all for Grandpa. Mornings, afternoons, and evenings spent playing with The New Boy, seeing how much he has grown, storing up memories to take back home with us.
5. I was thrilled to open up my blog one evening in the hotel and discover that David McMahon had awarded my blog post Balboa Park, San Diego, California the Post Of The Day on his blog! The word thrilled hardly does my reaction justice. More like ecstatic, amazed, really really excited!
For more Fave Fives, go visit Susanne's blog Living To Tell The Story.
I most likely will not have time to visit everyone for a few more days, so please, be safe, and enjoy each day. Have another great week!
Loved reading your post Willow and so happy that New Boy gets to spend some time with the two of you! Enjoy your days...
Oh and I am amazed you can do all that in a moving vehicle! I'd be puking (sp.?)!
what a sweet sweater for the little boy - I love the blue and green.
I'm like Ellen - I couldn't read and drive - or knit and drive even if I could knit. :) I'd be sick!
Congratulations on your blog award!
PS - have a wonderful visit with your family - especially the wee boy!
gr8 post
:) F3!
How fortunate you are to be able to do just about anything in the car! I can barely read a map without reaching for a barf bag!!
Great list - congratulations on your award.
Congrats on the award. That's fantastic. You are indeed a woman of many talents. I'm always doing the driving it seems like LOL. Great FFF have a great weekend :)
Congrats on the award, Willow! You surely deserve it - I love all your posts.
I get a kick out of you calling your grandson The New Boy!
When we go places my hubby does the driving, too, and I love to read while he does it!
The sweater you knitted looks great! I still haven't knitted a sweater...think I might try again later tho.
Love the picture..the sky was very pretty.
Have a great weekend!
Just enjoy your family and your trip... we'll be here when you get back... I love the sweater.
I love it when someone else drives and I get to read or knit. Lucky you. HAve a great time away
I can see why all of those are in the fave five -- congratulations on the post award, it was very well-deserved :) Travel safely and well!
Lovely lovely faves, Willow -- and even while on the road you managed to post. I'm most impressed :-) I'm with Ellen. No reading, no knitting (well, I couldn't knit in any circumstance...). Enjoy your trip.
Have a lovely time with Sis and the Boy! :o) Loved the pictures-- it's always exciting to see the variety of beauty in our country!
Congratulations on the post of the day. How cool is that?
I love the picture of the road, especially knowing that it was leading you to that wonderful little boy!
I hope you have a very happy visit, cute sweater for the New Boy. Jane x
I love knitting in the car, and how exciting to have such a sweet little guy waiting for you at the end of your long drive.
I'm thinking that my family may have to go visit Balboa Park this summer.
Cannot imagine driving for four days but possibly not so b ad on empty raods like you have shown.
Yes you are fortunate being able to do anything in a moving car must make a great difference to be able to ahieve so much.
Glad you are getting such precious time with new boy.
Had I known you could knit AND read in a moving vehicle, I wouldn't have burdened you with disks to hear! All's well. Joe McL v. ill. Your blogs are worthy of Golden Globes! A wedding in Carlsbad in Sept makes me want to extend the w/e & see Buena Park. You suggest a week . . .
two?? Heard on Wait,Wait, Don't Tell Me, that all traffic in USA crosses intersection in Chicago. Was it fun?
I'm always amazed at the diversity and beauty of this land/planet too. Everywhere you go there is something unique and wonderful about that place.
BTW, not to worry, I think that's a male bonding thing that he will grow out of :) Lovely sweater.
Lastly, congratulations on such a nice honor. Well deserved and here's to many more!
Such fun to catch up with you & your travels, Willow! And congrats on the blog feature! :o) That sweater is adorable--love the fresh colors. New Boy will love it. Happy Days ((HUGS))
Good to hear you made the round trip and are home safely! Did you get pictures! ha! We'd love to see the boy seeing you!!
Hi Willow. I don't have your email so thought I would respond here - and on the blog as some others might also have that question. The almond meal I buy at Trader Joe's - it's next to the flour in the baking section. It freezes well and I have a terrific almond cake recipe that also uses it which is one of my favorite recipes. Alternatively you could just grind up fresh almonds.
Thank you for the heads up on the nice tea shop in Camarillo ~ I'll have to pop in when I'm next headed that way!
Thanks for visiting me and letting me know you are a former Oregonian. We lived in Woodland Hills for decades; husband worked at Point Mugu. Now, we are really weirdly neighbors. How did you end up on my blog?
hope you have a very happy visit. thanks for sharing..
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