Is this really #52?!
I have enjoyed doing this Friday meme. I know I've written several times how just knowing that I would be posting something for FFF made me look at my week's events differently. Susanne, thank you, thank you, thank you, for faithfully hosting this group of thankful people each week.
1. The Professor took a quick trip to 'that other place way far away' when Our New Boy and his Mama live. It seems that Kiti's car didn't get the memo about lasting 200,000 miles. It almost made it, but died a very sad death, and everyone knows that the Mama of a toddler really needs transportation. With his red Superman Cape flapping in the wind behind him, The Professor flew off to help corral The New Boy at car lots and offer sage vehicle purchasing advice. How many Superpapas would do that? And on Monday night, Son #2 donned his Superson cape to brave LA traffic and pick him up at LAX, saving me from that freeway caper.
2.While The Professor was away, I played. With my food. Knowing that cooked carrots are way down on his fave food list, I decided to do the unmentionable to those sweet little farmers market carrots and cooked up some Cream of Carrot Top Soup. I had found the recipe in a gardening book from the library called Edible French Garden by Rosalind Creasy and was intrigued. Are carrot tops actually edible? After cooking carrots and potatoes with various herbs and adding a little milk to the pureed veggies to thin them a bit, I blanched the carrot tops and blended them with some of the soup base. It was delicious!

"Mom, you've got to take a picture of this sunset!"
5. Speaking of Son #2, he drove away yesterday morning from Willow's Cottage to begin a new adventure. The Professor says I should change Son #2's name to The Grad Student. Stanford. PhD. Anthropology.
6. Susanne, I just have to add one more! While The Grad Student was doing the gallant deed of braving the Los Angeles freeways for me on Monday evening, I accompanied my friend to a meeting where I watched her greeting and interacting with the parents of the students she has taught in past years and will be teaching this year. Her enthusiasm and passion for her students and for teaching writing skills was evident in every encounter. I have stated for years that my friend is one of the best teachers I've ever known and Monday night's experience only reinforced my opinion. I am so very fortunate and thankful for the opportunity to work with her and assist her in teaching those students.
I hope you have enjoyed the adventures of this edition of Willow's Week. To participate in Friday Fave Five or just read others' FFFs, go to Living To Tell The Story.
Have a great week, everyone! If I don't get around to visit everyone's posts, it's only because, like last week, I just got overwhelmed by the heat.
Oh I am so looking forward to cooler days! Love your faves Willow. It's great to have supermen in our lives. God is good. And both our 2nd born men are off and running in a new direction. That soup really looks good and that Sunset photo is amazing!! Dear and I are taking a drive to Morro Bay tomorrow to see what we can see and have lunch there :0)
What a great week! Stay at it!! Interesting sentences, too! :)
What a hot sunset picture!!
You have to love a son that would notice, turn the car around and prompt you to garner the moment!!
It's great that your family is supportive of your photography habit! That was a totally cool sunset picture.
I'm also thinking how wonderful it is that you have supermen in your family!
I love to hear of teachers with enthusiasm for their work. If only every teacher felt that way! My daughter, The Math Teacher, is very enthusiastic. She said she couldn't believe they pay her to come to school and have fun all day! I hope she always feels that way ...
Amazingly #52! Time flies when you're collecting Faves :-) I like yours from this week -- and agree that the sunsets and sunrises have been most colorful. Just wish I could inhale while I'm admiring them.
What fabulous photography1 that sunset photo is truly amazing. Such a great idea reflecting back on the good things. Reading yours makes me think of mine! We are back at school on Monday, so making the most of the last few days of freedom :) Ros
Willow, that is a most interesting sunset! And I love the bunny picture too! But most of all, I love your family favorites! Sounds like a great week for you.
What a FABULOUS list! That soup looks divine! I LOVE carrot anything! I've never eaten the greens - but I bet they ARE good!
Oh your Prof. is a good good man! I'm sure your daughter was thrilled to have his capable assistance - and just having him there probably made the whole horrible experience go MUCH better!
That sunset is flat out gorgeous. It's a shame about what caused it though...
Thank you so much for stopping by today - and the birthday wishes! :)
What a great sunset. Awesome. You had a great week. Have a good weekend :) Aloha
It's nice to read your first fave; reminds me of my ex and his brod who are sooo similarly gallant with their mom. (one of the few things I appreciate and love about them) How sweet of you to make that yummy soup for The Professor. Nice faves!
I love your description of superpapa going to the rescue! LOL What a good Dad!
I can hardly believe that sunset picture is real! Amazing!
I love carrot soup but have never put the carrot tops into it!
Try to stay cool!
Love the sunset picture, amazing how something so bad could produce something so beautiful.
The bunny picture cracked me up and good for you for getting out to walk.
Sounds like you have a great family!
Willow, I love that picture of the sunset. So beautiful and how sweet of your son to do a 180 for you to get your photo.
The early morning walks sound great, and that soup looks yummy.
Your son was right on...that pic of the sunset is incredible.
That soup sounds yummy. I love trying new soups.
Isn't your hubby a good dad doing that for his daughter. So sweet.
Do take care of yourself in that heat and with all that soot in the air! I love your fave fives, and I'm thinking happy thoughts about your son heading off to Stanford :)
I love your pictures and am glad that your family is encouraging you in it. That sunset was definitely worth a stop.
I wish all teachers were like your friend. What a difference it would make in the lives of so many!
I enjoyed your fave post. I should join--it's a great idea to dig out the positve aspects of a week.
It's funny...I just posted about food, too...but I think you are a much better cook! I love soups!
Great photo of the sun! The moon has also been taking on a new "orangey" look.
Everything from the positive enabling ;) to the carrots to your sweet friend being an example of teaching - just lovely.
Thank you for sharing and the reminder of thankfulness.
I hope your nephew and his fellow volunteers are well. Tell him, "take care".
Any chance of a recipe print, pretty please with a honey-coated cherry on top?
Well done Willow for sticking out the whole year. Your sunset pic was amazing- what a red!
Congrats to your son. I think this time of year is as much about new starts as the New Year in January.
FFF is a great story telling vehicle and so positive at that. Thank you for your e advise and for directing me to your blog.
I always love to come out from my blankets and check out those fave Five. It's cute how your family knows already that this is either a blogging moment or a photo op!
I hope you enjoy your week and I love stopping by.
It's interesting how these men in our lives can see the need and respond immediately...
I never have trusted those who told me that carrot tops are edible, but if you say so....hmmm.
As usual, your photos are amazing.
I always look forward to reading your Fave Five ~ and #6 really tugged at my heart strings. The love and respect you have for your friend is such a precious gift - for both of you. She is so fortunate to have a friend who believes in her and supports her.
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