Monday, February 15, 2010


On Valentine's Day

Camellias are blossoming on every bush.


Allie said...

Those are gorgeous! They would be so great framed!

ellen b. said...

Pretty. I think my favorite is the pink...
See ya tomorrow!!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty in pinks :-)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

ah! I can almost smell them!

Come Away With Me said...

So pretty! There are plenty of flowers showing their faces and things are starting to look very spring like around here.

Tracy said...

What great gifts for your Valentine's Willow...your garden camellias in bloom...*sigh*...So lovely! :o) Happy Week ((HUGS))

Anonymous said...

Such beautiful color! I'm afraid we have only white outside now, but inside my geraniums and violets are blooming. Mary P

Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

I do miss the camilla bloom and the romantic blossoms floating on water in bowls set about our home.

Wish I could make a day trip to Huntington Library and stroll beneath the towering camilla trees, on ground covered with rosy colored petals of spent blooms.

Knitting Linguist said...

Such beautiful camellias! And I was so glad to read that your trip went well, snow and all. Welcome back :)

(Also, I didn't know you could grow indigo here in California! I only have six cotton seeds, but I promise you some of your own from my first harvest :) )

Marg said...

Am I missing something? Ellen B. wrote about your blog...but I expected something different.
I just finished another scarf....Now I'm making a toque to match.
Beautiful shots of those flowers. Are they for real?

kate smudges said...

How gorgeous the camellias are ~ Happy (belated) Valentine's Day to you. Your photos are beautiful. I can't believe that the new boy is already 2. Time goes by so quickly.

Jane said...

Camellia's are beautiful but mine don't flower ntil April. My Neighbours camellia is in flower now too. Jane x

Heather said...

Hey Willow,
Here's the new blog about design I started. I'm starting an etsy shop soon. I always like to get your opinion... cause you've got great thoughts, so... what do you think so far?

Islandsparrow said...

So pretty!! I"m beginning to get a spring time flower longing!!

snoopydogknits said...

How beautiful they look too! We are just seeing our firt snowdrops peeping through, so we know Spring is not too far away. Ros

Mélanie A. said...

Flowers are always beautiful in pics.

Heather Ozee said...

Hi Sweets! I linked you on my new blog.

DILLY said...



Brian said...

Willow the red is so vibrant and the pink do subtle...


Michelle said...

Gorgeous Willow!! The camilla blooms are so cheery!!!

Unknown said...

I haven't visited your blog in a rather long time, and I am so glad I have returned! these camellias are beautiful, and give us so much hope for an early spring here in california! my sister's name is camille, so these flowers have always been special :)

Sharon Lynne said...

When I was young, I didn't appreciate the Camellias. But now I pick them, and, I almost think they look better in the house than on the bush!