Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thankfulness This Week

It's Friday and that means Friday Fave Five, a time to contemplate the best things that have happened this week.  Susanne provides this opportunity every week for us to remember our Weekly Favorites.

1.  My friends (and husband) who have driven me to the doctor(s) and to classes this week.  Without them, I would never have been able to begin teaching my writing classes this week.  I'm truly grateful for my husband and friends who have helped me so much!

2.  My favorite new fashion statement:  a big black boot to hold my swollen, sprained ankle steady without (very much) pain.  It goes well with my silver crutches.

3.  These quotes from Freedom of Simplicity by Richard J. Foster.  Foster published this book about Christian Simplicity in 1981.  In reference to Matthew 6:22--"If all within us is honed down to the single treasure of Christ and his Kingdom, then we are living in the light of simplicity."  "With our eye focused on Christ the Center, we are to live with glad and generous hearts.  This is simplicity."

4.  One thing I've done while I've been sitting around this week is look through my files and files (and files) of photos.  I've found flowers and shells and beaches, photos I've taken for the past 6 years.  But the photo that touched my heart most was this one of our kitty Angel who moved to San Diego with Mama Mia after she was married but went on to kitty heaven three years ago.  Angel was the BEST kitty we ever had.  What a sweet memory.

5.  The best news I received all week was this text from my daughter in law regarding my Army Captain Chaplain son, who has been deployed over the past year: "He is officially home."  For that, I am truly and completely thankful.


nikkipolani said...

Warm and wonderful gratefulnesses this week, Willow. Hope you are healing and will be back without your "fashion statement" or its accessories! Such great news about Chaplain Dan.

Hollace said...

So thankful for you that your son is home. What a relief and a joy!

Susan@FruitfulWords said...

Wahoo about your son. I'm grateful right alone with you.

I have tons of photos on my computer. I really would like to put them in a book so that I can look at them more easily and more often. So glad you had a chance to look at your photos and relive some wonderful memories.

Love the Richard foster quote. I haven;t read that book of his. I'll be checking the library.

Do some more healing this week and being kind to yourself!

Hazel said...

You introduced your fashion statement quite amusingly :) I wonder was was Angel doing with those wires...? Thinking of so many photos in the computer I see now how photo albums can still be useful and convenient to have around. Hurray to your son!

Tracy said...

Oh, what a nice week, Willow... But you better watch out, that special boot for your foot could become a trend. :o) LOVE the kitty photo...*swoon*... A busy week here of all sorts, so glad it's the weekend not to relax, recharge and have fun. Happy Days ((HUGS))

XUE said...

My son turns 14 next month. In a few years, he has to fulfill a 2 year compulsory army training as part of the requirement for possessing a particular passport (one of two that he holds). He won't be going for any active duty ( I think!) but we will be separated for 2 years. I am glad for you that your son is home with all of you, in the same country.

ellen b. said...

That is a great email for sure and brought tears to my eyes. Nice boot!

Kathie said...

So glad to hear about your son! Hope that poor ankle will heal soon. R Foster is such a wise teacher. I'm listening to his colleague - Dallas Willard. Lots of great podcasts that are free. I'm listening to Hearing God right now. Deep and wonderful.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

SO glad your son is home! Love that fashionable boot...

I'll have to look into Richard Foster. I loved those quotes!

Have a great week ahead.

Susannah said...

Aw, #5... a blessing! Our SIL is just finishing his training as an officer in the Navy. Due home soon!

Ingrid said...

I liked your taste for fashion, lol ! Best thing to do, take it with humor !

roxie said...

Now you need to put a strip of velcro around the top of your boot so you can add bling to co-ordinate with your day's ensemble.

Hooray that Chaplain Dan is home. Blessings and prayers for him in his re-adjustment to life in the states.

Wonderful shot of Angel. She's such a sweet tomato!

Barbara H. said...

So glad you had help getting around with your ankle. Going through photos is so fun -- I have years' worth I need to sort, especially as we have a HS senior this year and I'd like to put together a scrapbook for graduation.

So neat about your son. We have friends whose son stationed in Afghanistan is on American soil as of yesterday -- don't know when he'll be actually home, but their excitement is palpable through Facebook.

Susanne said...

Yay for your son being home safe and sound. What good news!

Angel was a very beautiful kitty too. Such nice coloring.

Glad that the boot is helping out. Hopefully your ankle will be back to normal soon.

Knitting Linguist said...

I'm so glad to hear that your son is home! That is wonderful news. I'm sorry to hear about your ankle, though - but it sounds like you have lots of loving support :)

Karyn said...

Wow. Your last point is the best of anyone's!!! So glad for you.

Hope your foot heals quickly - sounds like you have wonderful people around you to help that along.

Caroline said...

Your gratefulness lis is always fun, but this weeks is extra special 'm sure having your son home again. You lovely fashion accessory seems quite functional, but I'm not imagining you'll mind trading it for some sandals or walking shoes in the near future! Have a wonderful week!

Bethany said...

I'm so glad to hear that Dan is officially home! Pass on our "Thank You" for serving! I'm glad to hear that you can actually get around but not happy that it's in such a cumbersome way. I guess it will always make you thankful for walking regularly when you heal. Your photo of your kitty touched my heart... I think everyone has a special pet that they miss. I sure do! Sending a hug!

Sharon Lynne said...

I'm so glad your son is safe.

It's nice to remember our pets. Such gifts from God. Cats and dogs are great friends.

Hope you continue to heal quickly.

Marg said...

I'm so sad that you have injured your ankle...What on earth were you doing? I hope that your recovery goes quick and yes, I can tell you are thankful for many things...the kind of things we don't think of when we are not ill.
Good new about Chaplain Dan. I'm sure that is a great relief.

Come Away With Me said...

The last one is the best! Truly wonderful news. Richard Foster is a favorite author...I haven't read that book though.

Reflection Through The Seasons said...

It’s good to look back on the week and acknowledge our thankfulness.

With the garden needing so much of my time, I haven’t been visiting blogging friends much recently.... and was sorry to read about your ankle injury. I wish you a speedy and pain free recovery, it must be so frustrating to be so encumbered, it is good to have accessories co-ordinated, but the big boot looks so heavy.

Get well soon. Marion - Wales UK.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I am so happy fr you and your family that your son will be coming home!

So sorry to hear about your injury...ouchie! I know thta hurst! Hope you heal quickly!

Aqeela said...

Just thinking of you and hoping that your ankle is feeling a little less painful? There is a blessing in everything so hopefully you have found yours, xx

Claudia Bugh said...

Oh dear. I'm sorry to hear about your injury :( When you are better we'll meet and take a lovely hike in Topanga to celebrate! BTW I think those berets would make fantastic Christmas presents :)