Thursday, September 29, 2011

When You Can't Walk-

you can still knit

1. a cabled hat

2. coffee cozies

3. a pair of Girly-Girl Socks

4. and a child's striped pullover sweater.

And you can crochet

5. a granny square blanket.

and maybe some other granny circle-squares.

There are many productive ways to use your time when your doctor says, "No driving yet. And limited walking." 
It's important to find ways to be thankful in every situation.

Thank you, Susanne, for hosting Friday Fave Five.  It helps me remember each week to look for areas of thankfulness and gratitude.


ellen b. said...

Girl, no driving and limited walking? I'm so glad you enjoy knitting and crocheting. Praying for complete healing of your ankle!!

Willow said...

Thanks, Ellen. It's mostly because I sprained my RIGHT ankle.

nikkipolani said...

Well! There's nothing wrong with your hands -- that's for sure. Hoping you'll be back on both feet again soon!

Marg said...

I love that cable...looks so perfect. You could come by and show my how or better yet, I could come your way....when I have time???
Hoping you foot will be improving. That must be so hard for someone like yourself who loves to walk and walk.

Ingrid said...

Real beautiful, but not for me ! I am far to impatient, knitting makes me nervous !

Hazel said...

A very productive week indeed. Lovely little things out of an injury. May your ankles heal soon.

Tracy said...

WOW... wow... your needles and hooks have been smoking, Willow! GORGEOUS knits & crochet. Those coffee cozies are adorable. And I love the color way of your granny blanket. Hope your ankle is on the mend soon. :o) Happy Weekend ((HUGS))

roxie said...

Life gave you a lemon, and you have made lemon merengue pie, lemonade, lemon soup, and lemon oil furniture polish! You rock!

The knitting is lovely, and the blankies are awesome. Good on you!

Susanne said...

Well some pretty beautiful things have come out of your being housebound. Those are all lovely!

Lisa notes... said...

Wowsa. You are incredible! Those are all beautiful. I couldn't do all that in a lifetime. ha.

Heather said...

So beautiful!! I can't knit,but I can make jewelry. It's so much fun!

Jerralea said...

You accomplished a LOT this week! Love that first crocheted granny square afghan!

Hope you will be on your foot soon. God bless you!

Hollace said...

Your handwork is just beautiful. I love that fat cable stitch.

Anonymous said...

It is so fun to see all that fibery goodness you've been working on! I hope your ankle heals soon. Mary

Aqeela said...

I hope your not in too much pain? You have certainly found the blessing in the situation though, all those things you've been making. I love the child's jumper, very sweet. I cant wait to buy some jumpers for Little D as soon as this heat wave says goodbye!
Aqeela xx

Barbara H. said...

Wow, you've been productive! I have never seen coffee cozies before -- what a neat idea.

Hope the ankle is healing well.

meg said...

Everything is gorgeous, Willow! Now you need to knit a halo for yourself ;D Patience of a saint....

Knitting Linguist said...

Man, that's some serious yarn goodness you've got going there! I'm sorry you're still trapped at home, but glad that you've found a way to make the most of it :)

Karyn said...

Good thing you so enjoy knitting! Did you do all that in ONE week?

Hope your ankle heals completely - quickly.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

LOVe the color of that hat! You've been SO productive. Hope your ankle heals quickly.

Have a great week ahead.

Catherine said...

You are so amazing - Look at your beautiful creations! I'm so sorry you are still limited. I'll say a prayer for your speedy healing.

Bethany said...

Oh my goodness... you have been productive!!! Maybe in some ways it's a blessing? But I do hope you are on it again soon!!!

Tanja said...

Glad it was a sprain and not a break Willow! It sounds like some lovely downtime was in order... and lots of knitting. I don't always succeed, but I often try to look at the silver lining in a situation. Last year I was quasi-bed bound after a car accident. I really treasured being able to write again once my neck got good enough for computer sitting. I know you'll be treasuring your walks and drives after your unexpected house time.

Lovella ♥ said...

There are some German murmurings here I would like to say but don't know how to spell. I feel for you. ..but then I see what gorgeous things you make with your good hands. I hope the healing comes quickly and your patience grows!

Susan@FruitfulWords said...

Wow - who knew that sooooo much needle work could get done in one week? That must be gratifying.

Love your girly-girl socks. Some day I hope to tackle making socks. For right now it is just knit a row, pearl a row on my afghan. :)

Sorry, Willow, that you are still homebound. Hopefully this creative outlet is keeping you from going stir crazy!

Kathie said...

Oh dear Willow - I really hope you're up and about soon. Wish I could sit and learn some knitting skills from you - I am working on my second dishcloth :)

Unknown said...

Hello Kak Willow, aww...I hope your ankle sembuh/get well soon. I once had the misfortune of breaking my tailbone. No sitting for 2 weeks, just lying down and watching TV. Husband said I finally got what I wanted, do nothing but see TV. Cant say it was fun..but get well soon and tks goodness for knitting. Hugss, MK

Barbara said...

You really did use your resting time fruitfully.

Mo said...

I cannot knit and am always impressed by those that do. I'm glad your hands are busy....*when you can't walk* !!