Thursday, October 25, 2012

To The Rescue

My week did not exactly go as I had planned.  It's not that my plans were all that exciting--Sunday afternoon hanging out with The Professor and then attending a Bible Study/fellowship with our good neighbors and other friends, Monday and Tuesday correcting papers and puttering around the house doing housework.  Just the usual quiet week.  Then there was The Phone Call.

1.  I can't imagine that there are even a few mothers (or even one) who would or could ignore a plea like, "Mom?  Can you come?  I need you."  Of course I jumped in my car and drove to San Diego because someone had fallen and broken her arm.  Mommies of pre-schoolers can't change diapers and shouldn't drive cars.  I spent Monday and Tuesday acting as a nanny and chauffeur.

2.  My drive south was easy and the scenery was as usual breathtakingly beautiful.  All.  Those.  Coastal.  Views.

3.  We managed to duck in to our favorite San Diego breakfast cafe (breakfast for lunch) between doctor appointments.  I love Mission Soma.

4.  There is a new little girl living in the home of friends in San Diego, waiting for the time when that family will become her forever family.  I got to play grandma, holding her and feeding her.  It was a precious time.

5.  Tuesday evening found me fighting my way through Southern California traffic to return home and teaching duties on Wednesday and Thursday.  Miraculously, I made it home in less than four hours, a record.

I'm returning to San Diego for another four days.  This time I'm not driving.  I'm taking the train.  Less stress.  More time to relax and do things like, you know, knit and read.  If I don't have an opportunity to respond to everyone who links to Friday Fave Fives, I apologize.  Always, I do try, but this weekend I may be a bit busy being the Mama to the Rescue.


nikkipolani said...

I'm sure your daughter (and her family) are SO GLAD you were nearby and could come at short notice. Hope your less stressful train ride goes smoothly. I know you'll be a blessing. Praying for healing.

Susan said...

Oh,no. Sorry to hear about your daughter's arm. I broke my shoulder about 18 months ago and I don't know what I would have done without help from others.

Your daughter is blessed to have your help. I'll be praying for quick and thorough healing.

ellen b. said...

What a good mommy! Glad you could go and returned in record time! The train does sound a lot more relaxing and as you can knit. Blessings...

Tracy said...

So sorry about what happened with your daughter...Hope she feels better soon. Mom to the rescue--bless 'em all! ;o) ((HUGS))

Barbara H. said...

Oh wow -- it's never fun to have a broken arm, but I can't imagine trying to function with one with a preschooler. So glad you were able to go down and help and will be able to go again. The train definitely sounds like a better option though the view does sound lovely.

Gracie Saylor said...

I join my prayers with others for a speedy recovery for your daughter and blessing for all of you in the midst of your unexpected challenges. I'm glad that the train is an option for you! xx from Gracie

Caroline said...

I felt my eyes stinging as I read your post. I hope my kids will want me to come to the rescue occasionally after they're "totally" on their own with families of their own. Hope your daughter heals quickly.

Anonymous said...

You are a blessing to your daughter and the grandchildren!

Marg said...

I find it so interesting...just when we seem to get a short breath of air...something seems to interrupt.
You did exactly what a mother would do. I would do the same. Hopefully the quiet time will come again...meanwhile enjoy the train ride.

Susanne said...

Whew, those kinds of phone calls always make my heart drop just a bit! Glad you were able to get there and give her a hand. Praying she'll mend super quick.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

"Mama to the Rescue" -- I love it! Yes, I agree, the train is much less stress. You can relax and DO something.

So great you're able to go help when your daughter needs you. Once a mom, always a mom...right? Take care!

Bethany said...

You did have an eventful week! We will definitely keep you both in our prayers. I hope I'm always close enough to my kids or there for someone else's when a mom is needed. I am waiting for the storm to hit now... It gave me time to catch up on the blogs!

Jerralea said...

Mama to the rescue - yes, there is no mom who would ignore that! I know you loved helping - and time with that little baby was probably a lot of fun, too. I'd be willing to hold babies and feed them!

I just took a train ride this Saturday myself. It is a fun, smooth way to travel and less stressful than driving, too. I've become a big fan of train trips.

Ingrid said...

Yes the majority of mums would run, although I know some who don't move a finger ! I also prefer to take the train when I am alone, it's less stressful as you say !

Jane said...

Hope your daughter soon gets better broken bones are awful, my eldest Alice managed to break both wrists on seperate occasions and i well remember the helplessness but she was only 7 and 9 yrs old at the time. I love train journeys you see so much more than when you are driving and yes less stressful too. love Jane x

Knitting Linguist said...

You are a wonderful mother! I hope those bones heal very quickly - not having an arm when you do have a toddler isn't easy, even when you have such great help. The train seems very much like the right way to go on the trip - safe travels :)