Thursday, November 08, 2012

Five for #8 and #9

During November, I like to post daily to document my thankfulness.  It's not that I am not thankful every day, but Thanksgiving Month offers the opportunity to focus on gratitude.  Of course, with Susanne's Friday Fave Five, we do that weekly.  And so here are my five faves for the week and also my additions for November eight and nine.

1.  I am thankful for this young woman!  For the second year, she is my TA, and this year I have the privilege of training her in all the whos, whens and whys of teaching IEW composition classes.  She is a joy.   She's so smart.  She's also hilarious.  I may be teaching her, but she's educating me about Steampunk, Slender Man, and graphic comics.

2.  Rain in Southern California.  It rained on Thursday and more rain is forecast for Friday and Saturday.  However, even in the rain, the beach is beautiful.

3.  Again this semester, the Professor was lighting director for the play produced by the performing arts department at the university.  Unlike other times, he did not have to be there for all six performances because he has been training students to run the lighting boards.  We attended the play on closing night, and the cast gifted him with accolades, applause and flowers.

4.  Fresh fruit and fresh vegetables from our farmers market.  I could list this as a fave every week.  Cucumbers, romaine lettuce, apples, potatoes, broccoli--all grown locally.

5.  Chocolate.  After a long day.  Just one piece.  Gotta say, I needed it like our parched earth needed the rain.

Your turn.  What are you thankful for this week?


ellen b. said...

I am cracking up at #5!

nikkipolani said...

How invigorating to have someone like your TA to stimulate your thinking as you train her. Hurray for rain and flowers and chocolate :-)

Tracy said...

Chocolate and cup of tea... that came be a save for me too. ;o) Love that, Willow! Your TA sounds like a great girl. Lovely flowers... This week we've had too much rain, again...LOL! But I'm thankful for my kind father-in-law, as we celebrate Father's Day here this weekend. :o) Happy Days ((HUGS))

Come Away With Me said...

Lots to be grateful for! Steampunk and graphic comics I know, but Slender Man is a mystery . . . I'll have to google that!

I'm very grateful for the rain too.

Susanne said...

Sounds like a wonderful assistant you have there. I've never heard of Steampunk or Slender Man. Guess I need some educating in that department too.

Sweet that all the hard work your hubby puts in was acknowledged!

Chocolate? Yes, please, I've had a long, long, long day. ;v)

Jerralea said...

I love farmer's markets but they are already done for the season in my neck of the woods.

Chocolate at the end of the day sounds wonderful ... but I'd be hard-pressed to stop at one.

Beach photos are great no matter what the weather!

It's great you have a good TA to work with - I'm sure it makes the workday seem like fun.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Your TA sounds like a lot of fun! And your hubby sounds like mine, doing technical stuff. Love your pictures. Have a great week ahead.

Caroline said...

Another uplifting post, mmmmm. especially the chocolate reference.

Karen said...

Our farmer's markets are all but closed for the year:( Chocolate is a definite blessing!

Claudia Bugh said...

What a pleasure to visit and see all the many things you are thankful for!!! My sister who is a teacher would agree that a great TA is an incredible blessing and help. Mainly right now I'm thankful for a little breather from work and stress and the good health and peace of mind to enjoy it ~ and yes yes yes the beach is beautiful even in the rain ~ PS maybe you should educate us on what is steamplunk and Slender Man....

Julene said...

What a great month to make lists....and the gratitude just keeps coming! And, now I'm going back to look at number 5!

Ingrid said...

Rain is normal here, but the sea doesn't look so nice as yours !

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I love the farmer's market also. the pic of the sunflower is lovely!

Susan said...

Hi Willow,

I like to focus on daily thankfulness in November too. I also like to go back and read it later. Sometimes it reminds me of little special moments.

How wonderful that the Professor didn't have to attend all the performances. And how wonderful that the he was recognized for his good work with the students.

Hurray for good helpers like the lighting board students and your TA. Oh, and chocolate! It is always a "helper" too. It helps regulate my moods. lol