Thursday, March 21, 2013

Birthday Week

Yes.  The third week of March is always a special week for me because it's my birthday week.  In fact, everyone around the world celebrates my birthday since I share the day with St. Patrick.

1.  My younger daughter and her family came to celebrate with me in person.  The others all rang in by phone.  That's what makes my birthday complete.

2.  I chose the meal.  Thai food.  Curries.  Pad Thai.  All vegan for me.  But the omnivores ate beef.

3.  I chose the activity.  Hiking in the Santa Monica Mountains overlooking the Pacific Ocean.  It was a foggish day but you can still see Pt. Dume way out there at the far edge of the sandy beach.

Charmlee Park in Encinal Canyon is a perfect hike for families.

4.  An added benefit of having a spring birthday is being surrounded by the California native spring flowers.

5.  Spring Break!  Without a doubt, teachers look forward to spring break with as much (if not more) enthusiasm as their students.  Two weeks!  I'm a happy and free girl for two weeks!

These are the five faves for Willow's Birthday Week.  Head over to Susanne's blog if you want to read more faves or participate in Friday Fave Fives.


nikkipolani said...

What a confluence of happy events! Family visits and world-wide celebrations -- even two weeks off! I haven't had a chance to see the wildflowers yet, so it's lovely to see them in your photos. It's clear you had a wonderful birthday!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

My birthday is coming up in just over a week too. I like that it is in the spring but here in New England the weather is not always consistent, predictable or cooperative...I am not expecting spring flowers this year but it would be nice to have the snow melt!

Anonymous said...

Lovely weekend. I like your choice of activity. Mary P

minimalist woman said...

Happy belated birthday, Willow :) The wildflowers came out to celebrate with you!

Tracy said...

Happy Birthday belated, Willow! Enjoy the break... LOVE all the flowers! :o) Happy Days ((HUGS))

Susanne said...

Happy Birthday to you! Sounds like it was a lovely celebration with family and delicious food.

Two weeks off, how wonderful is that?! I can't remember the last time I had two weeks off in a row! Enjoy every moment.

ellen b. said...

Oh what fun to have 2 weeks off. Looks like you celebrated your birthday well. It was strange being in Milan for St. Patrick's day.

Barbara H. said...

A belated happy birthday to you! How neat to have everyone celebrating along with you! :-) It really makes my day to at least talk to all the kids, too.

I'm not much of a Thai food fan but my husband loves Pad Thai noodles and chicken and really misses it since a local Asian restaurant closed a while back.

Two whole weeks off! Wow! We've only ever gotten one off here.

Barbara said...

What a wonderful sight Spring flowers. Here's wishing you a belated Happy Birthday and many blessings in the coming year.
Enjoyed walking with you all!
We are still in Winter!!!

Gracie Saylor said...

Happy Birthday! Happy Spring break! Happy hiking and family and friend loving, and knitting throughout the coming year, Linda : )

Marg said...

Happy Birthday Willow! I loved how you introduced us to your birthday week. Some great choices.
Enjoy your spring break. You deserve it.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Happy Birthday!! Love those spring flowers.

Have a great week ahead!

Karen said...

Happy Birthday! Such a beautiful view for your hike.

Ingrid said...

You are more lucky, it looks a bit like spring ! I also was sick the whole last week and just feel a little better ! It's time that the cold weather moves out !!

Jane said...

Happy Birthday Willow, sounds a lovely celebration, I too am looking forward to spring break but we don't finish until Wednesday this week. at the moment even the daffodils are cold and it keeps trying to snow! Brr Jane x

Aqeela said...

My birthday is next month God willing and my idea of a perfect birthday would be a hike in the fresh countryside air too!
Aqeela xx

Candace said...

Happy birthday!!

Knitting Linguist said...

A happy happy belated birthday - you picked exactly the day I would choose! And I don't know if I've ever mentioned, but we sort of share a birthday - St. Patrick's day is my adoption day (I always loved getting an extra cake when I was a kid!) :)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Happy belated birthday, Willow!
Your special day sounds wonderful.

Happy & Blessed Easter!

Bethany said...

Oh no-- Happy Birthday Willow!!! I don't know why I don't have this written on my calendar! I"m sorry I missed it. I was so busy getting ready for N's b-day. It sounds like it was perfect! You are also lucky to have two weeks off. My kids (and therefore I) only have Good Friday and Monday after Easter off for spring break. Well, I wish you a wonderful year ahead!!!