Thursday, March 07, 2013


Recently I have been participating in a study group focusing on Creativity.  At this point, I am searching for the words to describe how this study is affecting me and where my creativity will lead me.  Mostly I think that I need more focus since I tend to dabble in too many creative outlets and then don't focus sufficiently. Simply put, I am interested in too many things!  Mostly, I am grateful for the opportunity to be creative in so many areas-- fiber arts, photography, gardening, writing.  This is the focus of my Friday Fave Fives this week, my thankfulness for the gift of creativity.

1.  My garden has been clamoring for my attention.  Every time I step out my door, I see the colors of spring calling me to pick up my camera and capture the images.  The bright orange mandarin oranges are ripe and ready to pick.  I am waiting for a couple of weeks until some certain special little someones are here for a visit.  Then we'll pick them and devour their orangey goodness.  In the meantime, I walk past the tree and smile at the cheery brightness.

When the California poppies bloom, it's officially spring.  I have been noticing the flowers popping up everywhere.

And this succulent is ready to burst its blossoms.  I think this is an aloe vera plant, but I'm not sure.  Any plant experts, please correct me if I'm wrong.

Even the yellow dandelions want to get in on the color action.

Beautiful. Butterfly. Sage.

2.  My very talented friend owns several weaving looms.  This week I had the privilege of attending a "Blessing of the Looms" by her priest.

Her intention is to use the looms to teach handicapped children to weave.  She knows where her creativity can be expressed and used to bless others.

3.  I am knitting daily to prepare for the Boutique where I'll be selling my hats to benefit Generate Hope.  I think my favorite way to express my creativity is through fiber and right now that means knitting, knitting, knitting.

4.  I'm not the only one who is creating fun things.  In one of my writing classes, I teach three sisters.  All of them are constantly making things and sharing them.  This lemon thyme plant was a gift from them.

They are so creative!

5.  The other person who lives at Willow's Cottage is pursuing his creative interests.  The Professor has been gone almost every evening for the past two weeks working with the university's performing arts department.  Wednesday night I joined him to watch the dress rehearsal for the play which opened Thursday night.  I loved seeing the moods and colors he created with his lighting and how they enhanced the actors' performances.

What have you been creating this week?


nikkipolani said...

Hmmm, creating? Trying to create a little order in my office and at home! Never ending. Loved seeing your garden bursting with color! Yes, I think that bloom's on the aloe vera plant. Mine is a week or two behind yours in blooming.

Faith said...

Oh I love all your photos and your "theme" of creativity for this week's FFF. I "created" some little bit of gardening. for the first time ever I am trying container gardening (cherry tomatoes) and later in spring some herbs. I hope I am successful! I am NOT into knitting, sewing or other things like that but i do love creating music on the piano and creative writing. I also love creating a cozy home with various items/arrangements and am looking forward to creating Easter baskets for my daughters. Have a restful, creative weekend!!

Melissa said...

Thanks for sharing the spring photos. When I look outside, everything is white! :)

Your knitting looks beautiful, and I love the presentation of the lemon thyme plant. So clever.

ellen b. said...

The first thing that popped into my head when you asked that last question was "creating chaos out of calm" :) But a better response is creating memories right and left in the midst of the chaos. That butterfly sage is beautiful! Enjoy your weekend. Will you be riding bikes to the Farmer's market?
I'll be at the L.A. Farmers Market Saturday night meeting siblings and nieces and nephews!

Barbara H. said...

Lovely spring photos! And I love the creativity of the sisters with their "thyme" plant.

This is a great theme. I used to think people were either creative or...not. But I think everyone is, just in different ways.

I've been trying to create some order in the craft/sewing room this week. It's been the most neglected room since we moved here, but I have been focusing on getting it more functional and usable.

Brenda said...

Looks like you've accomplished a lot in all areas of your creativity.
My creative side has been put on hold while getting caught up on end-of-the-year business stuff (still!) But I long to get in my craft room and do something...anything!

Jerralea said...

Isn't it funny how a certain subject grasps you and then you see it everywhere? Creativity is the word on my mind lately.

Thanks for sharing your creative photos, and I'm always impressed with your creativity in fibers.

Ingrid said...

It's better to be interested in everything then in nothing ! I love creativity and wherever and with whatever I try to create !

Hollace said...

Are you taking the Creative Courage class with Stephanie Levy, by any chance? It was inspirational to me last year but I still have a problem with focusing and prioritizing! Too many loves.

Jane said...

Hi Willow, Sorry i have been away so long but it was lovely to come back and read your posts about creativity and then the garden. I love the osteospermum and Camelias. My Camelias won't be out yet for another month and the osteospermum till at least June. I like the little knitted hats and the beautiful colours of your photos. Today is cold and wet here but i've lots of knitting lined up as i am recovering from a bad back spell. take care Love Jane

Susanne said...

Those oranges look delicious and have my mouth watering! Love all those knitted hats. I must admit I am not a sewer, knitter, or really anything to do with a needle. I do love to create and experiment in the kitchen though.

Lori at Jarvis House said...

Dear willow, how do you do it all? As a child I learned to crochet. My aunt Mary taught me to sew and lay patterns on fabric properly. Now i I spend most of my time volunteering for the Visiting Nurse/Hospice House by making money at our local thrift shop. I never learned to knit because i am left handed,and all of the teachers were right handed, then. Maybe now there might be a left handed teacher. Lovely knitting and lovely photos.

Bethany said...

I love everything about this post! Your photography is so gorgeous! Creativity is always an interesting subject to me. I think it's good to have varied interests. The more I learn about areas outside of my creative interests, the more it inspires me when I do them! I just volunteered to teach again in the Fall, after taking a long hiatus. That will give me lots of opportunity to be creative with my lessons! I am also making room emotionally from past traumas, so I feel like I'm starting on a second life adventure... keeping life full of really good things and good people!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

What was the play? Do tell! Would love to hear about it.

Creativity is such a blessing. A neat theme for your list this week! I love your friend's plan for using her looms, and yours for supporting a great organization!

Hope you have a great week ahead.

snoopydogknits said...

Oh my goodness! Your mandarin oranges are amazing. How I wish such beauties would grow here in the UK. Not much chance of that though, with our miserable weather. It has been snowing for the past twenty-four hours, on and off. Ros

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

The most creative thing I have been doing lately is tryig to organize my house and buy the things i need for it. It has been two months since we moved but i still have some moving boxes to empty.

Your oranges and flowers look so delightful! Spring brings such beauty..I can't wait till it arrives here!

Come Away With Me said...

Hello Willow, all the beautiful orange colors were so lovely to see. How special to have a tangerine tree! That special little someone will really love picking those with you.

Gracie Saylor said...

Your post echoes my thoughts of late, Linda. I have so many interests and my want-to-do list is so long. I am often disappointed that it takes me so much longer to complete projects than I originally anticipated...the cowl I have crocheted and frogged and crocheted and frogged and have crocheted for my great niece is a classic case in point :-) But the creative process is sooooo exciting, and there is so much beauty and joy around us to appreciate! Creativity is worth the challenge!

Tracy said...

So many sweets here, Willow... And so inspiring to see the weaving! Creativity here a the moment is beginning a crocheted ripple blanket--at last! Posted on it today. Just now surfacing after 2 weeks+ I've been down with flu & migraines--slowly mending. Fist chance I've had to visit friends. Happy Days ((HUGS))

Barbara said...

Beautiful colours. I never realised that the oranges would be ready for picking so early.