Thursday, July 25, 2013

Summer Time

Whoa.  Seven days, a whole week, has passed and I haven't posted anything, any words, any photos, here.  That seems to be how my summer is shaping up.  Just a lot of down time.  Not that that is a bad thing.  In the slow slow summer days, I am still finding blessings to share for Friday Fave Fives.

1. Summer time gives me opportunity to read and read and read.  The Professor and I are continuing our fascination with the novels of the late great Louis L'Amour.  Lonely cattle and cowboy country.  Brave heroes.  Black hatted villians.  Beautiful strong western women.

2. Summer time also gives us the leisure to search out fun walks in our area.  One day we decided to walk along a bike trail neither of us had ever seen before.  It wasn't a pastoral or mountain hike.  We crossed the Santa Clara River on the overpass which we shared with Highway 101.

Eight lane freeway on one side

(Almost) dry river bed on the other.

Tumbleweeds and nasturtiums by a still small pool of water

3.  Another walk we chose this week was at the beach.  We had never walked along the beach or pier at Port Hueneme (pronounce Wy-NEE-mee).

4.  Summer time is prime smoothie time.  Unfortunately, our blender broke.  Its little motor just couldn't keep up with our green smoothie making.  So, we ordered a new one and used some anniversary present money toward it.  Ordered and delivered.  We're back in smoothie goodness business.

5.  Summer time is Wednesday Night Supper at our church.  Every week it's the same menu.  We love to attend mostly because of the fellowship we enjoy around the large tables.  Usually, we will sit with different people each week so we have an opportunity to meet new (to us) people and also to chat with old (to us) friends.

Oh, I love summer time!


Tracy said...

A summertime of down time... that's the best time, I think. I always think summer is going to offer more down time that it ends up having... And that's OK too. Our home & garden projects/chores are on the page most of this summer. Fruit smoothies have been on the menu a lot here... along with iced tea and iced coffees to keep cool. ;o) Happy Days, Willow ((HUGS))

Faith said...

Oh I love summer time too!! the fresh berries I have been getting would make great smoothies..I might do that when we are on vacation this husband enjoys smoothies. And reading!!! Yes...another fave of mine and more time to do that in the summer. Loved your faves....especially the walk photos :)
enjoy the weekend!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I love to be able to get out walking at any time of year. Your beach pictures are so pretty. I need a blender too...but I don't use one very often so it's not a priority.

Susanne said...

I love summertime too. It sounds like you are getting in lots of what you love to do and that makes it extra special.

Bethany said...

I just had a smoothie from the farmer's market! This summer has been different-- we're finally going to the pool for the first time today. It sounds like yours is going well!

Heather said...

It sounds like a lovely week! I love to get out and walk. How fun to explore new destinations close to you!

I still haven't tried a green smoothie. I need too! I love my little blender.

Reading,I have been doing some of that lately. I finished 2 books this week.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

You and me both, Willow! Love seeing pictures of your walk. Hope you have a great week ahead.

Barbara H. said...

When we lived outside Atlanta, we were in a small church that had potlucks the first Wed. night of each month, and it was a fun time to get to know people (and their specialties!).

My youngest just mentioned wanting strawberry smoothies a few days ago, so I got the ingredients this week.

ellen b. said...

Summer is great for downtime. Glad you had some nice walks...

Gracie Saylor said...

Thanks for letting me enjoy some of the sights from your walks, Linda :). After all the miles I drove earlier this summer and then having a house full of delightful company, I have had a quieter week just relishing the warm sunny weather and lots of glasses of PGTips decaf iced tea :) also been enjoying reading. Ahhhhh summer...........
Gracie xx

Come Away With Me said...

Wonderful summertime views around California! Loving that red umbrella on the beach. I've always thought Port Hueneme sounds like it belongs in Hawaii.

nikkipolani said...

I kind of miss those Wednesday night suppers (Kirk Night, at my old church).

Down time is wonderful, isn't it?

Ingrid said...

I love summertime too, when it is summer ! We just had 2 weeks and now it starts raining again ! I am actually in England at the coast and here it's a bit better at least some sunshine coming out and no rain. I enjoy my stay very much, but of course have limited time for blogging !

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

This is our first summer in Colorado and so far it is going by too quickly! I want to do many more things than I have been able to do, but I guess I have to be patient:) It is all new and exciting to us!

Hazel said...

Walks and books are some of life's greatest things to do during summer time!

LivingforGod said...

Sounds like you're having a wonderful summer :)! I enjoy reading, walking, and smoothies, too.

Thanks for visiting my blog. Have a blessed week in the Lord!

Marg said...

There is nothing like summer. Keep taking your time to walk and to read. It's Summer!