Thursday, November 14, 2013

More Thankfulness in November

November is half over.  In two weeks we in the US will be celebrating Thanksgiving.  I've seen several people on facebook posting daily 'thankful' updates.  I like that and enjoy reading them.  But my favorite way to participate is in Friday Fave Fives because I do this every week during the year and it helps me focus DAILY on my blessings and reasons to be thankful.  Last weekend, my schedule went a little crazy and although I posted my Faves, I didn't get around to share in others' blessings.  I missed that and hope to be able to better reserve time in my schedule this weekend.

1.  Finally, there is evidence of autumn in Southern California.  While the temperature hasn't dropped, the flora is showing the season.  I do love the color changes which tend to be more pink and red rather than orange.

2.  Speaking of autumn, yeah, I love love love Southern Califerornia mediterranean fall weather--dry and in the 70s.

3.  Again this week I had occasion to drive to Santa Barbara.  There is something about that drive along Hwy 101, hugging the Pacific Ocean.  It is. Just. Beautiful.  In fact, we did that drive twice.  One Sunday, we enjoyed a delicious lunch with two friends.  I think we sat there in the restaurant for nearly three hours, chatting.  What a blessing that was!

4.  Monday, Veteran's Day, was a holiday, so we decided to do something special.  What could be more special than a visit to Getty Villa?  Again, we drove along the Pacific Ocean coastline (this time on Hwy 1), AND we saw the CYRUS CYLINDER.  Click on the link to learn more about this amazing archeological treasure.

The Getty Villa is breathtakingly, heart-achingly beautiful during any season, but in autumn the landscape glows and complements the colors in the buildings.

5.  I saved the best until last.  I *heart* technology! On Monday evening in our time zone, our family orchestrated a five way conference call via skype, so we could chat with each other across seventeen time zones!  I appreciate the care and love my kids have for their family, and I love how they sacrificed their time to be available to make the call happen.  From the East Coast of the US, to the Southwest desert, to the Pacific Coast, to Eastern Indonesia, we all connected so Son #2 could tell us about his research, Son #1 could share about his new hospital chaplain position, we could find out that The New Boy likes school and his favorite subjects are computers and recess, and we could hear the latest about adoptions progress and Marine Corps gunnery sergeant course.  This mama's heart was bursting with thanksgiving for my four children and their love for us and each other.


Dianna said...

Oh Willow...that #5 brought me to tears. The fact that you appreciate your children for their love of family means so much. Our two are the same way and it is just good to know there are other parents out there who appreciate this value their children put in family!

And to think that ALL of you could be together like that. Our daughter, son-in-law and grandson lived out of the country for a number of years. Our grandson was born there...and this was back before the years of Skype...but MSN had a way to communicate through their messenger program. I was one happy grandma, let me tell you! We could watch our grandson grow up that way...we played hide and seek, firetruck/firemen, name it. The reward? When they came to the States for a meeting and we met them at the airport our little guy saw us, his eyes got big, he dropped his mama's hand and flew right into my arms, saying, "Grandma, Grandma, it's really you!" And then he went to his Grandpa, saying the same thing!

So, yeah...I have to agree with you...I love technology!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Tracy said...

Thanksgiving--my favorite holiday! We'll be here for Thanksgiving, but we'll be traveling to the US to be with my family for Christmas, and VERY much look forward to that already! LOVELY autumn glory shared here, Willow...And getting teary-eyed over your big family Skype meet-up... Wow...*sniff*... Thanksgiving Blessings to you & yours :o) ((HUGS))

nikkipolani said...

Wow, that was some Skype session! Wonderful that you've harnessed this bit of technology for your family connections.

The Villa looks gorgeous dressed in autumn. I think I saw the Cyrus scroll when it was at the Balboa museum -- very cool.

Melissa said...

Getting together with all of your family through Skype must have been wonderful! The drive on Hwy 101 sounds beautiful. I had the chance to drive a tiny bit of it, once, and I'd love to do it again.

Kathie said...

I love your #5!! That would be my best too. I'm so thankful to be able to chat with our boy and his wife in England - we use facetime. And to think it's free! What a blessing.

I must plan to visit California in November :) Our Novs are often grey and wet and this one is particularly so. I'll get my colour fill here!

Happy weekend WIllow!

roxie said...

The pictures are splendid and re-enforce my intention to visit there when we get on the RV trail in the spring. And oh how wonderful to Skype with them all! You have a mater organizer in the family to pull that off. Praise and gratitude to her.

Julene said...

There is so much to be thankful for and it brings us close to home, often! I haven't been using my computer much....and that's ok but it's fun to get back today! Love you! Julene

ellen b. said...

Love that drive to S.B. along the coast and love the Getty Villa. So glad we made that trek there to meet up with Sara all those years ago. was lots of years ago already. #5 is the best. Gunnery Sergeant! That's a great accomplishment. God bless all of you...

Barbara H. said...

That is amazing to be able to Skype across that many time zones! So glad it worked out! Almost like a mini reunion!

That drive sounds just lovely.

Jerralea said...

What a special week! I love when family makes time for each other.

Love your fall photos!

If I'm ever in that part of the country, I will definitely go to the Getty Villa. You have created a desire!

Faith said...

WOW! !! chatting across 17 time zones! impressive....and very touching!! Enjoyed your list of faves.....have a wonderful weekend!!

Gracie Saylor said...

I love reading about your five favorite things, too, Linda. I just posted about appreciating reading the thoughts of those who are listing the things they are thankful for each day in November, because it encourages me to build a stronger attitude of gratitude as well :) Thanks for sharing your blessings!
Gracie xx

Ingrid said...

Skype is a wonderful invention. It also allows me to "talk" to my 3 year old grandson ! It seems you had a nice week !

Bethany said...

I'm finally getting a chance to read your wonderful post, after sending my hubby off again and finally having my daughter home and catching up! There is nothing more precious than the love of family-- well, except for God's love but technically He's family! Your photos are beautiful! I think I need to add 'visit Southern California in the fall' to my bucket list!

Susanne said...

Wow, that was some Skype call! So neat!

That cylinder looks amazing. I love museums and seeing that kind of stuff. Beautiful colors are happening your way!

Marg said...

Sounds like you have had one exciting time connecting with family. Some do it on Skype and we connected with our loved ones all together for one week in HA. Yes, I know the feelings that come together when we can celebrate life and catch up with what's happening. Soon you will be celebrating Thanksgiving and now my daughter is also apart of the American Thanksgiving as she is the fiance of an CA boy, called when I saw your post about children writing about made me smile.