Friday, November 29, 2013

Thanksgiving Day FFF

Short and Sweet as I skid to a stop between activities...

Friday Fave Fives

I am thankful for
1.  safety for my sweet ones who drove in three different cars from Washington and from San Diego.

2.  beautiful weather while we played at the park on Thanksgiving morning.

3.  talking on the telephone with Son #1.

4.  skyping with The New Boy and his mama.

5.  clean water, central heating and wholesome food.

Bonus:  for friends and family.

Happy Thanksgiving weekend to you all~

Random beach love


ellen b. said...

Now you have me curious as to who drove from Washington...
Glad everyone made it and you could be together. Skyping is a good thing!

Dianna said...

What a blessing that your children were able to make the trip to spend Thanksgiving with you. And don't you just love Skype? Glad you had a good week!

Bethany said...

Happy Thanksgiving! I'm happy that you had a good one! We ate (and are still eating) way too much! ;)

nikkipolani said...

Mmmmm...loving those beach images. It was a gorgeous day, wasn't it? Family together and basic necessities (and many more beyond basic!) are blessings indeed.

snoopydogknits said...

Beautiful beaches! I LOVE to be beside the sea! Happy family times are priceless. Ros

Ingrid said...

Beautiful beach pictures ! Isn't Skype a wonderful invention ?

Beth Niquette said...

Oh, what beautiful photos. I love the sea.

Hazel said...

I love the picture on #2. Happy Thanksgiving!


Susanne said...

Beautiful blessings to be thankful for. Hope your thanksgiving weekend was wonderful!