Friday, July 11, 2014

Home Again, Home Again

Friday, July 11th.  I've missed a few Friday Fave Fives because of our travels.  There's SO MUCH to catch up on!  Here's the link to FFF at Susanne's blog.

1.  Home after 6,845 miles and 4 1/2 weeks.  That is a fave on so many levels.  We *heart* traveling, but it's great to be home.  (cleaning, laundry, garden, meetings...)

2.  Projects finished.  I knitted 25 hats and gave away 5 of them.  I also made The New Boy his afghan.  By the time we reached home, I had knitted my way through all but 3 works in progress I had taken on the road trip.

3.  Wonderful memories of visiting people and places.  Here's a list of the US states we drove through, in order:  California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Lousiana, Alabama, Florida, Alabama,Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and finally back to California.  We visited children and grandchildren and siblings and cousins and friends.  Oh my.

4. Favorite town.  At least this week as I sort through photos.  Taos, New Mexico.

World Heritage Site: Taos Pueblo

St. Francisco de Asis church in south Taos

5.  Special knitting projects to keep me busy the rest of the summer.   Infant size Plain Vest by Pickles--with a little hat.  Pink?  Yup.  For a new little PAL joining our family in October.  Excited?  Yup.

It's SO GOOD to be back with the regular schedule of Friday Fave Fives!


Gracie Saylor said...

So glad you are safely home, had a great trip, and got so much knitting done! The pink project is
precious :)

ellen b. said...

Welcome home from your zig zagging trip in so many states! Wowzers.
Glad you had your knitting to keep you going. Love the afghan!

Jerralea said...

Wow, that is a LOT of traveling ... and knitting!

I know you are glad to be home. There's no place like it!

Meredith said...

What an amazing trip, I am so glad yo had fun and were able to spend time in all those wonderful places with all those wonderful people.
Hugs to you,

Faith said...

WOW that is a LOT of driving!! so glad you are home and enjoying being back....I haven't forgotten about the hat. I decided if you can do one in blue or shades of blue, my friend would probably love that. I'm thinking a medium size...she isn't a big woman nor is she tiny...kind of medium build. Her chemo is now starting to make her lose her hair. She has begun to wear hats and turbans. I lost your email to me so if you don't mind emailing me the details and where to send payment, etc. it is Thank you!!

Susanne said...

Love the look on his precious face with his new afghan! My kids always loved the afghan they received from my Godmother. They still have them and use them and they are all grown now.

That's a lot of travelling you have done. But so many wonderful places you saw. Enjoy your time at home now.

snoopydogknits said...

Sounds like you've been having an amazing time! Love the blanket and the cute pink jacket. Gorgeous! Ros

nikkipolani said...

Welcome back to FFF, Willow! Your hands have certainly not been idle during your road trip. I'm sure you've stored up many wonderful memories with family and visits.

Ingrid said...

25 hats ?? That's enough to dress up an octopus ! Nearly all the States you went through I have done too during the 90th when we came to the States to visit my aunt in Madison/Wisconsin, we always first made a tour.

GretchenJoanna said...

I really loved San Francisco de Asis church when we visited ten years ago or more - your picture puts me right back there -- it's a treat to come by here and find it. Thank you!

Karen said...

Welcome Home! Your pictures are beautiful. I went back a post and looked at the ones in Santa Fe, too. I enjoy road trips, although I've not been on one as long as yours. Someday!

Come Away With Me said...

That was certainly a mega road trip! So glad you enjoyed yourselves. And congratulations on all that knitting completed. I know whatever you have made is top notch. Almost makes me want to find my needles and buy some yarn!

Bethany said...

You came back and I was out of town! I love the colors of the afghan... and I have to chuckle at your grandson's nickname because he looks SO big now! (Not exactly "new" anymore!). And the photos of the church and everything... wow. I'm glad you had a good trip. You have such a generous heart. I hope you'll be posting more often now that you're back home because we missed you!

Marg said...

You and me both, "heart travelling' I'm so happy that you could both take the time together and declutter, feeling as if so much has been accomplished, and then rewarding yourselves with a few extra dollars.
Good on your knitting. I've only been completing a few cowels and for now my next project will start up in September.
Enjoy your summer time and the exciting time ahead for you...PINK.