Thursday, July 17, 2014

Routine Week

Having been home in our own place for a full week, I am beginning to feel rested and centered again.  Life takes on its usual routine which can be so very comforting.  It's also great to be back on my usual Friday Fave Five schedule (thanks to Susanne at Living to Tell the Story for hosting).

1. We visited a new Wednesday farmers market in town because the market was closed on Saturday for our Camarillo Fiesta Days which is held in the same place.  Some of the Saturday vendors were there and greeted us like long lost friends.  Sprouts, carrots, lettuce, broccoli were bought (and consumed).

2. We have resumed our big clear out and declutter which we began before we left on our road trip.  We've pulled out bags of stuff--clothes, old towels, and the like.  Oh, it makes me happy to have more open space in closets and drawers.

3. Part of the clear out included our storage shed.  We finally made the decision to let go of our back packing packs.  We haven't used them for years.  I listed them along with some quart canning jars and a lovely solid wood quilt rack on a local resource exchange site.  Today they are gone, and I'm $60.00 richer.  I love the double win--declutter and get cash for it.  And the buyers were thrilled to get a good deal.

4. This week on Bastille Day was our wedding anniversary.  When you've been married as long as we have, you don't need all the fuss (we never did; we're quiet people), so we drove up to Santa Barbara and visited the Santa Barbara Botanical Gardens.  We've been there before but wanted to stroll again through the native California garden along the famous Mission Creek.  In fact, we bought ourselves an anniversary present:  a year membership to the garden so we can visit as often as we want.

5. Back to our anniversary---I am a most blessed woman.  We have had a wonderful and long marriage.  We both possess a refined sense of adventure and that has worked well for us--we've lived in crazy places and done crazy things.  We share the same goals to live as true Christians and share the same beliefs.  Sometimes people ask us for advice for a successful marriage.  We have two suggestions.  1) Don't take everything seriously.  Laugh a lot.  Like every day.  2) Don't make everything a hill to die on.  It is guaranteed that if everything is so important that you make it a hill to die on, you will die on a hill.  Give a little, or a lot.  Choose your battles.  Happy Anniversary to The Professor and me!

A fun snapshot.  I was trying to photograph the wild flowers as we were driving through Cimarron Canyon in New Mexico.  What I got was a surprise.  Prairie you see them?


Faith said...

Oh how cute the prairies dogs are. I'm going to show my ballerina girl when she wakes up...she loves animals especially dogs. Happy belated anniversary to you and your husband.....we are the same way about celebrating. What a fun thing to do, too...a membership to gardens! Enjoy your weekend.

Anonymous said...

Such good advice for couples! Happy anniversary. I'm working on cleaning out and getting rid of stuff too. Does it ever feel good. Love the photo...Mary P

Meredith said...

Oh how lovely! Happy Anniversary to you both, I wish you many, many more wonderful years together.

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

Happy anniversary! Sounds like you had a good week. I'm slowly cleaning and getting rid of stuff too. Planning on having a yard sale soon!

ellen b. said...

Happy Anniversary to you two! What a sweet photo. How fun to capture those prairie dogs without knowing about it!

Bethany said...

Oh my gosh-- you are gorgeous!!! You should have been a model. Well, Happy Anniversary to such a handsome couple and I wish you many more! I love the photo of the prairie dog... they always make me smile!

Kathie said...

A very Happy Anniversary to you both! A sweet wedding picture too!! And what a great present - you'll enjoy it all year long.

I like your marriage advice and would say that Roger and I have learned both those lessons over the years - the first one we had from day 1 and the 2nd has been hard-earned :) we're more in love than ever after 37.5 years!

Good for you decluttering - can you give away books though?? I've given away a few but end up taking more in. I need an intervention :)

Happy week!

Barbara H. said...

Nothing makes me appreciate the home routine like being away from it for a while. Glad you're back and settling in.

Happy anniversary! Very good advice there.

It's great that you made some money on things you needed to get rid of.

Susanne said...

Happy Anniversary! Love your wedding picture, you made a gorgeous bride! Love what you said about making everything a hill to die on.

One person's "junk" is another's treasure. I love getting stuff out and it's always a work in progress around here. Even better when someone who wants it is willing to cart it away for me!

Gracie Saylor said...

Happy Anniversary, to you and the Professor, Linda!

When you get done with your decluttering, please come up and cheer me on to finish mine :)

I love the prairie dog photo! xx

nikkipolani said...

What a fun set of fives this week, Willow. I enjoyed the surprise in your snapshot. And many happy wishes for you and The Professor!

Your advice for couples is good for friends, too. Lots of give and take.

Ingrid said...

What a cute wedding picture ! We will be married 45 years in October !! We couldn't invite other couples, they are all divorced (or dead !)

Marg said...

Happy Anniversary and I too can agree with you how nice it is to be home for a bit. I love that wedding photo. How many years have you been wedded? That is great wedding advice.