Friday, July 25, 2014

So Unstructured I Forgot the Day

Oops.  I just realized that it's Friday.  I mean, I knew it was Friday, but I forgot it's Friday Fave Fives time.  That's what happens in the summer when my schedule is less organized.  But now that I have remembered, here are my five favorite events from this past week.  I'll link them up with Susanne at Living to Tell the Story, late though I am.

1.  Summer.  Obviously, I love it when I can take long trips, return home and hang about and FORGET what day it is.

2.  Those summer days allow for relaxation like take evening walks and sometimes ending up a friend's house for a leisurely fun chat.  ( I think I'll do that again...)

3.  Summer Specials is a tradition at our church.  Every Wednesday evening during July and August, our church serves a roast beef dinner with mashed potatoes and beans and rolls and salad and desserts created by our resident best bakers.  It's all volunteer labor and we pay $6 for the meal.  Since I don't eat the meat, I just take my own dinner and nobody cares.  The focus is on fellowship and we all sit around inside or outside and chat with new and old friends.  I like to make a point to learn one person's name each week.  Our congregation is larger than our building so we have three Sunday morning services--you don't meet people who attend a different service than you do.  Summer Specials help bring all of us together at the same time.

4.  What would a week be without some knitting?  I'm creating a stack of sweet things for our expected little grandgirl.  Currently I'm working on a blankie for her crib. has this free zigzag blanket pattern on the website.

And I just finished another, larger Pickles Plain Vest for her.  Yes, I *heart* Pickles patterns!

Ten more hats for the local NICU.

5.  We are continuing our Project: Declutter.  The Professor recycled a bunch of old used up highway maps.  We tackled the garden tools and let go of the extra ones we don't use.  I passed on some magazines I have finished reading and enjoying to someone who will do the same.   Our shredder got quite a lot of use as we recycled more papers we don't need.  A little bit each day adds up to a lot by the end of a week or month.  Yay, us!

It was a quiet, less structured week (except for the two days of training I did for new teachers and TAs).  How was your week?


ellen b. said...

I'm really thinking that daily floor mats that tell what day of the week it is might be a good investment. LOL! This has been a weird week with workers in my house every day so I've been very unproductive. Still catching up from jet lag, too. Enjoy your weekend!

Jerralea said...

I love the idea of your Summer Suppers! It seems like a great way to get to know one another.

My, you did all that knitting and had two days of meetings besides? You are a wonder!

Love the NICU hats. Our twinsies didn't have to go there, but I was prepared in case they did. I imagine those colorful hats will lift spirits.

Barbara H. said...

Even though we don't have anyone in school any more, I still love the feel of summer day schedules, or lack thereof.

The Summer Specials sounds like such a great idea!

That vest is just adorable.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Yay for your Project Declutter! And Summer Specials sounds like so much fun. That's a great idea. Love the knitting you're working on. I tried my hand at that while on vacation...I'm better at reading and writing. Have a great week ahead!

Faith said...

What a great idea for churches that are larger...we have over 2100 people in ours plus 3 other sites in towns near us VERY large. This is a GREAT way to meet more people..glad you get to do it. Yay for summer days, walks, and less structured time. Those hats are precious! happy weekend!

Gracie Saylor said...

I have been having trouble keeping track of my busy fun days lately :) I have enjoyed time with new and old friends, crocheted a dishcloth as a gift, recycled some magazines and papers, and managed to swim three hours this week. The church I am a part of has potlucks or plannedpots after the Sunday service and I have been trying to get to know some new to me folks. Your prolific sweet knitting projects continue to inspire me as do your other Fave Fives, Linda!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great summer week. I love the new vest! Mary P

Karen said...

The vest is adorable. I've always liked the zig-zag afghans, but I don't crochet. I'll follow your link to the knitting instructions.

Yay for decluttering! It sounds like you are doing a fine job of it.

Meredith said...

Lovely Friday Fav's and love all your knitting.

nikkipolani said...

I can barely remember a time when days of the week were forgotten *sigh* Glad to hear you are living it up :-)

Susanne said...

Love the idea of Summer Specials. We used to go to a church that had several services and you never saw the ones who went at a different time than you. What a great idea to get to know others in a large congregation. Yay for project declutter.

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

That's great what your church does! Ours doesn't do that but maybe I'll suggest it. Fellowship is great!

Knitting is cool though I've never attempted. I'm still trying to get sewing down :)

snoopydogknits said...

Such beautiful knitting projects Willow! Ros

Marg said...

I"m having that kind of week. I've been decluttering also and it feels good.
I love your Wednesday night church supper. What an excellent idea. That's so true about large churches, you hardly know who's a visitor.
Love your knitting projects. I've been working on using my old yarn to make few cowls and toques.