Friday, September 12, 2014

Poems, Promotions, Bunnies, and Hats

It's Friday!  After a long and most busy week which included travel for The Professor and airport trips for me, and a new school year beginning, I am looking forward to the weekend and to catching up with friends at Friday Fave Fives.

1.  Some things are just funny.  We spied this guy mowing (well, pretending to mow) the grass near the entrance to the freeway.  Made us laugh.

2.  Last weekend Son #1 was promoted to the rank of MAJOR in the US Army Reserve.  As a chaplain, he carries a heavy responsibility.  This responsibility is one he freely accepts, but sometimes it's hard.  I am thankful that he has been recognized for his sacrifice and service.  The Professor was able to be present for the promotion and pinning ceremony.  It meant so much for father and son to be together to celebrate this milestone.   (Photo compliments of a friend who attended the ceremony.

3.  I didn't fly out with The Professor, but someone else begged and begged to go along.  She was so new that her dress wasn't finished.

But she wanted so much to take a plane and to go visit her new home that I finally relented and knitted like a mad woman all the way down the El Camino Real to the Burbank Airport.  Just in time, with literally no time to spare, I made the last stitch and pulled her sun dress over her ears.  Introducing Alexandra, new companion to our soon to arrive granddaughter.  Here she is happily sharing her first adventure with Bapa. (Note:  you gotta LOVE a man who not only travels with a knitted bunny but takes photos of her IN PUBLIC PLACES.)

4.   Speaking of knitting--I often speak of knitting, about knitting, with knitting, for knitting--I stumbled on a new hat pattern.  The Golden Pear Hat is a free pattern offered by Melissa Thompson on ravelry. Although it is sized for babies and toddlers, it's super easy to adjust and make larger hats.  I think you'll be seeing more of these hats here this fall.  I finished two this week and am about half done with a third--larger than these.

5.  My sister-in-law mentioned a new to me author.  I'm shocked I didn't know about Jill Paton Walsh.  She has written more Lord Peter Wimsey stories in the Dorothy Sayers tradition of LPW and Harriet Vane detective novels.  I read A Presumption of Death and am now cruising through The Attenbury Emeralds.  

I leave you today with a poem:
I Opened a Book
by Julia Donaldson
I opened a book and in I strode.

Now nobody can find me.
I've left my chair, my house, my road,
My town and my world behind me.
I'm wearing the cloak, I've slipped on the ring,
I've swallowed the magic potion.
I've fought with a dragon, dined with a king
And dived in a bottomless ocean.

I opened a book and made some friends.

I shared their tears and laughter
And followed their road with its bumps and bends
To the happily ever after.
I finished my book and out I came.
The cloak can no longer hide me.
My chair and my house are just the same,
But I have a book inside me.


Barbara H. said...

Love that poem! I am going to copy it into my files.

It's funny to see some of the restaurant and business "mascots" doing their thing. I don't know if it brings any business in, but it's fun to watch. :-)

Congratulations to your son! It's not easy being a chaplain in today's world. So glad he is able to share God's truth where he is.

The bunny is cute! Kudos to your husband for escorting her and taking her pictures!

ellen b said...

Oh so many good things here! Congratulations to your boy! A major accomplishment...
How exciting that a little girl is waiting to make an arrival soon. So sweet!
I'm happy to make a note about that author. We so enjoyed the Peter Whimsey series.I'm writing down the name of this author...

Come Away With Me said...

That is quite a poem isn't it! I love it. And I also love that new little bunny. So sweet.

Gracie Saylor said...

The Major, The Bunny, The Professor, The Hats, and The Poem add to my happiness, too, Linda. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Such a great post! I am completely taken by your poem - the journey into the book and back out again...I can't wait to try the new hat pattern. Thanks for passing things like that along. We are in Iowa again, but heading home Monday. Mary P

Meredith said...

Well done by your son, a heavy burden he has to carry but he seems just the kind of person who can do it with Grace and love. The bunny is amazing, and I love that your husband took pictures of it on the plane.
Have a great weekend,

Faith said...

i loved that poem!! Congrats to your son! and how cute is that bunny!!! Yay for your hubby, too. My FFF didn't get done as my hubby decided to come home from work Tuesday and have a heart attack. Guess who got to drive him to the ER because he refused a 911 call? guess who is alive by the grace of God?? whew...what.a.week.

Susanne said...

Congratulations to your son on his promotion! Sweet that the little bunny made the trip a bit sooner than anticipated. I laughed as I imagined you feverishly knitting her dress in the car so she wouldn't have to travel in the buff.

nikkipolani said...

I think I only read one of the JPW stories -- one Dorothy Sayers left unfinished at the time of her death. You make me want to look up the others ;-)

Ah, those knitted bunnies. I remember when I first saw them on your site. Glad this one got dressed in time for her life with new family.

Mia said...

I just love Alexandra! :) So cute!

And congrats to the Chaplain. :)

Ingrid said...

The little rapid is a real masterpiece ! So cute ! Never saw a cow before mowing the lawn, lol !

snoopydogknits said...

Love the poem and adore that cute bunny! You HAVE been busy! Congratulations to your son. Ros

Bethany said...

I like that new hat pattern and your bunny is so adorably cute-- I'm sure she'll be loved! And Thank You to your son for his service!!! You must be so proud!