Thursday, September 18, 2014

Three Great Goods Plus Two

Good Morning!  It's Friday!  Time for Friday Fave Fives with Susanne.

It is said that there are three great goods in life.  This week I have enjoyed each one of them on a daily basis.

1.  A warm shower.

2.  A comfortable bed.

3.  A good cup of morning coffee.

And if that isn't enough to make my week fabulous, two other great goods occurred.

4.  My #2 Son came home!  He has been gone, out of the country, for fifteen months.  Although we have kept in touch via phone, email, text and skype, there is nothing like a "Hi, Mom!" and a huge smile and a big hug.  I love that I can jump in my car and drive only six hours to see him face to face if I need a another #2 Son hug.  He is now the child living closest to us instead of farthest away.

5.  Speaking of sons, I connected on facebook with our Ugandan 'son' who we sponsored for many years.  He has grown up, graduated from secondary school, gained a profession.  If you are friends with me on facebook, you might notice him commenting on my home page.  Isn't technology wonderful?

Because this has been an incredibly busy and harried week, I haven't even pulled my camera out of its case to take even one photo.  Old photographic memories will have to suffice.


Ann said...

Your #4 (seeing son after fifteen months) will happen for me at Christmas!! Actually, he will have been gone for fifteen months then - I flew to his country and saw him there last June. But it will be a joy to have him home again, around New Year's. Exciting times!!

Ingrid said...

Seems to have been a very nice week for you !

Susanne said...

So exciting about seeing your son after all that time. I can't even imagine. I thought it was bad enough when I didn't see #1 daughter for 6 months this year.

Gotta love the sponsored son all grown up now! It must be so satisfying to have kept the relationship going all this time and now be able to communicate with technology.

Love the first three goods. Totally agree with those!

busybusybeejay said...

I sponsored several children in various parts of the world through Action Aid.I have never thought of trying to contact them through Facebook.How great that you have been able to.

Barbara H. said...

How wonderful that your son has come home! I know what you mean - I am so glad for the technology that allows us to keep in touch, but having them home to see in person and hug is best!

Neat about your sponsored son!

I enjoy your first two regularly as well. I also like to have a cup of decaf in the evenings with a little snack.

Bethany said...

I will totally agree with your 3 great goods!! I just wish I could stay in my comfortable bed a little longer in the morning! I'm so happy for you, that Son #2 is close by now! It also makes my heart full to hear about your sponsored young man. I just love the sponsor experience we've had so far-- I wish I could meet her someday. It's good to hear that you were such a positive help in his life. We need more people to step up and help! Your photos are a beautiful respite for me today also. Have a wonderful weekend!

Kathie said...

So lovely that your son is closer!!

And very cool about your sponsor child.

And especially with you on the coffee :)

ellen b. said...

PTL that son is back in the country and close enough to you. Wonderful.

Faith said...

oh those faves are awesome! especially the first 3!! :) In fact, I'm enjoying an evening coffee right now...Wild Mt Blueberry because it's gonna be a late night. SIX teens are invading our backyard for a bonfire party and daughter's small group from youth group....and I have to stay awake until the fire is out. But blessings abound for sure :) Have a great weekend.

susan said...

Love your 3 great goods and I'm very happy for you to have your son home. Enjoy!

nikkipolani said...

Must do your Mamma's heart good to have such access to your loved ones -- especially after such a long while so far apart.

Aren't those everyday gifts such blessings?

Sharon Lynne said...

So nice that no. 2 son has come home. And so exciting that no. 1 son has been promoted to major. Congrats to him! I have a friend who is in the process of becoming a Chaplain.

My blog has been sleeping. But I woke it up today. It has been busy over here in Arizona. If you are on facebook, and accepting friends, (rather than family only) let me know.

Your pictures are nice! Love the stain glass.

Caroline said...

So happy for you having your son "home," Our Kai has only been away a month, but I was really missing him. We were supposed to meet at Pismo Beach today, where he was visiting a friend from high school, but I got sick. He decided he'd just drive the hour and a half to our house to spend the night. I just hope he does get my bug. It's a short-lived flu, but unpleasant.

snoopydogknits said...

How lovely that your son is now home. We have a five and a half hour drive to visit two of our children and we consider that to be a very long drive here in the UK. I guess for you, it's quite a short trip! Ros