Thursday, September 25, 2014

Happy Autumn, Happy Weekend

Here at Willow's Cottage, it has been a Super Busy Week, this first week of Fall  The reason for our overwhelmingly crazy week was that we have moved all our possessions into storage while a major renovation is happening at our house.  I've been so tired, I've been falling asleep holding my knitting needles or my book--just nodding off.  I'm certainly looking forward to a quiet weekend.  But before the weekend begins, I want to share my Friday Fave Fives hosted by Susanne--a necessary part of my week to keep me accountable for maintaining a heart of gratitude.

1.  While we are 'displaced', the world's best neighbors have offered their primary home to us while they 'vacation' at their beach house.   We are able to be right 'next door' to our property while all the changes are happening and we can be on hand to keep an eye on the progress. I mean it, these two are truly the BEST NEIGHBORS EVER!

2.  Two other friends answered our plea for muscles and showed up on two Saturdays this month to help us move big things like pianos and bookcases and beds into the storage pods.  BEST YOUNG, STRONG FRIENDS EVER!

3.  My former TA, Miss P, came over on Saturday and helped me pack up the last minute items like the refrigerator food and the pantry.  We work together well, having had two years of practice in the classroom.   BEST PACKER EVER!

4.  This school year, I have two different teacher assistants assigned to three of my classes.  Partly, they are in class to observe and learn the program I teach, but mostly they just help in whatever way I ask them.   I truly appreciate their help and input in making our classes run smoothly and efficiently.  BEST TAs EVER!

5.  Our mechanic is fantastic.  He is experienced.  He's honest.  This week he gave me great advice on a automobile check up and changed my windshield wiper--for free.  BEST MECHANIC EVER!

I am so thankful for these people who act selflessly and kindly in our lives.

And again--I am dipping in to the archives for photos... four years ago this weekend, we were in Northern California--Humboldt County where we both have roots...celebrating The Professor's high school reunion.  It's a place of rolling surf and fog, gigantic Redwood trees and hanging moss--so very different from where we live now.

Happy Weekend!  Be Blessed!


Tracy said...

Very exciting with your renovations... and your kind neighbors lending you their place--wow! So good to have so many good people in our lives. :o) Happy Autumn to you & yours Willow! ((HUGS)) P.S. in case I haven't mentioned before, LOVE your yarn-happy banner!

Mia said...

Eeks! So glad you have such amazing neighbors, strong friends, and Miss P to help in all the craziness!

Love the pics of NorCal- such a dreamy place. :)

Meredith said...

It must be some renovation, how exciting. Good luck with all of the work, and have a great weekend,

Kathie said...

So glad you've had all the wonderful help this week! That's such a gift.

So great that you can be nearby while the reno is happening. It's a good thing to keep an eye on.

Someday I hope to see the giant redwoods - I've heard so much about them. They're so impressive.

Hope your weekend is very restful - sounds like you really need it.

Faith said...

I love your photos!!!! And yay for special friends and neighbors and coworkers!! Enjoy the weekend...I hope it's a restful one for you. Btw.......I don't remember if I told you but my friend Rhonda absolutely LOVED the hat😄 thanks again.

Anonymous said...

Boy now you have my curious mind on overload wondering what you are doing in your cottage. Glad you have so much good help!

Barbara H. said...

What a great list of bests! So neat that your neighbors let you use their house while the renovations are in progress and that you had such good helpers and packers to move things.

A good mechanic is a special treasure. And hurray for good teacher's assistants, too!

Jerralea said...

It's great that you have so much help for such a big task! I feel for you, having had to move out in 2011 for remodeling. My biggest challenge moving back? Everything did not fit back in! What's up with that? I must have had too much stuff crammed in my house. Since you've been de-cluttering, you probably won't have that problem.

nikkipolani said...

Wonderful wonderful list of the bestest helpers from your week. What an undertaking!

Paula said...

I really like how you shared about the people in your life who were a blessing to you this week. I am guilty of taking people and their acts of kindness for granted. Thanks for sharing!

Susanne said...

Renovations are exciting but also a lot of work. Glad you had helping hands. And how nice of your neighbor to offer up their home!

Ingrid said...

Good neighbors are very precious ! That was really kind of them to leave you their home while the works are going on !

snoopydogknits said...

It's great that you have such kind and thoughtful friends around you. I agree, TAs are invaluable. I have had the same lovely TA working with me for quite a few years now! We work together so well, it's a pleasure sharing my classroom with her. Ros

Sara said...

With all the new technologies on the smartphones we all forget about the nature, maybe a great things will be combine both , like this you can share your experience with a lot of people maybe i will get a whats up download