Thursday, October 23, 2014

Unlnteresting Can Be Good

Hello, it's Friday Fave Five time.  Lately, I've been so overwhelmed with life and responsibilities that I have hardly had time to write here at Willow's Cottage more than once a week.  Hopefully, soon, I'll be back on track.  But I am committed to focusing on Fridays and being thankful for the blessings from the week.  Thanks, Susanne, for leading Friday Fave Fives.

1.  I can tell it's autumn.  It's a little tiny bit cooler at night.  There have been a few foggy mornings. No leaves are shimmering gold or glowing burnt orange.  This is as autumnal as it gets here.  Yeah, it's not much...but it's a sign.  What a re-leaf.

2.  I am enjoying the birds which gather at my neighbor's bird bath daily.  Although I have no idea what kind of birds are playing there, I am amused by them.

3.  I do love my job.  Teaching late elementary school students means I get the best of all worlds.  They're still children.  But they're old enough to interact and contribute to discussions.  Why is it that the GIRLS write stories with sad and brutal endings more often than BOYS do?

4.  Last weekend we were in the land of dry deserts and palo verde trees and saguaro cacti.  The more than fourteen hours in the car was a small price to pay to see our new grandgirl.  Her parents asked me to bring the baby sling/wrap I used to carry my babies, but it is temporarily packed up with the rest of our belongings, so I made a new one.  Gotta love facebook!  I put out a request to my Papua friends to measure the dimensions for an Indonesian selendang, and within just a few minutes, I had the information I needed.  A quick trip to the fabric store for batik material and a spool of thread, an even quicker cut and sew session, and we had a perfect fit.

5.  My husband knows me so well. I asked him if he had a suggestion for a fave.  His immediate thought was, "Sharky's burritos".  Oh yeah!  We do love Sharky's!  I dropped by this afternoon and picked up two burritos to go for dinner--they're generous enough that they fill us up for two meals.  Sharky's = nom noms.

My week wasn't exciting, but it was one of those quiet work-a-day weeks which most often fill our months and years.  And that's ok.  I've been blessed with an uninteresting week.


nikkipolani said...

Yes, we'll take what few reductions in temperatures we can get! In the midst of a very busy season, I'm glad you're here celebrating the week's blessings with us.

Tracy said...

Congrats on the arrival of Grandbaby Girl!! LOVE the pic (and beautiful sling too)!! Burriots... that's not something we've had in a long time, as I don't make them often. And not many Mexican eateries here, sadly. I should make sometime! As I grow older, uneventful is very OK--so much happens all the time. Slow it good! ;o) Happy Days, Willow ((HUGS))

Anonymous said...

Mm mm. I love mexican food! Wonderful that you work at something that gives you such satisfaction. After such business I am sure you are rebelling in a quiet week. Such a great baby carrier (both fabric and grandma)! Mary

Anonymous said...

Woops - enjoying....Mary

Faith said...

Loved your list! Congrats again on that newborn the sling! And yay for elementary children....i much prefer my kindergarten's so exciting to watch them learn to read and add......(although the ones I closely work with/teach are still learning the letters of the alphabet and the numerals....but...they are a part of the whole class so it's all good!). I had a mundane week of work and busyness but isn't it great to find some blessings in our rather uninteresting weeks?? HAPPY WEEKEND!

Anonymous said...

Glad you got to go and spend some time with your new little one. So precious. I'm trying to remember where Sharky's is. I don't think we ever tried anything from them...

Barbara H. said...

Usually I'll take an uneventful week over an eventful one. Glad you found some quiet pleasures this week.

The burritos sound good! I don't think we have that restaurant here.

The sling looks nice!

Meredith said...

It was worth every mile to see that darling baby.

Karen said...

I missed last week and the week before for FFF. Your granddaughter is beautiful!! Congratulations:) I like to watch birds in the birdbath, too. Great pictures. Interesting about the stories by girls and boys. I never would have guessed.

Here's to ordinary weeks!

Ingrid said...

We should have autumn but we have summery weather ! The scarf to carry the baby is very practical !

Anonymous said...

I was born in Indonesia and lived there for 5 years, before my parents moved to the Netherlands. So I have few memories of Indonesia, but I still know what a selendang is:)Congrats to your family with baby!