Friday, April 03, 2015

April Fave Fives #1

Pausing in the gaiety of Spring Break (just kidding) to check in and be grateful.  Friday Fave Fives.

1.  A somewhat impromptu and unexpected lunch with nephew and his family.  This is the nephew who lived with us for more than a year while he and The Professor were both working for Intel Corp.  Now he's a husband and daddy to two adorable children.  Do nephews and nieces understand how much we love them?

2.  An evening with Will.  That is, William Shakespeare.  The Professor was lighting designer at the uni for a production of Twelfth Night, so we chose a night to attend and watch.  We shared the fun with three friends.

3.  Daughter #2 is visiting Daughter #1 this week.  Cousins are in playmate heaven. This is an example of their fun:

Overheard while playing cars, in between epic battles with the 'bad guy boss':
L: Want to stop for coffee?
N: Sure! And chocolate muffins. *orders a million chocolate muffins*
L: Are we going to eat here?
N: No, I want to eat at the Bat Cave.

4.  Tuesday was  a holiday for The Professor--the only vacation day we shared this spring.  So he asked, "Where do you want to hike?"  I replied, "Sycamore Canyon!"

Don't let the mileage fool you.  It's nearly straight up the canyon walls, switchback after switchback.

The wild mustard really is that high.  (The Professor is a rather tall man.)

See the tiny toy cars down there on Pacific Coast Highway?

5.  Spring Break always means marking items off the to do list.  I love having the time to pull weeds in the garden (check), see the eye doctor (check), finally choose a set of baskets for storage in the bedroom (still working on that).

As we head in to Easter weekend, I want to wish you all Happy Easter!  As we say in our church services, "He Is Risen!"


ellen b said...

I started breathing hard remembering this nice steep hike! Glad you got one day off together!

Meredith said...

It sounds like a lovely week. Happy Easter.

Deb J. in Utah said...

What a beautiful place you have to hike! Sounds like it has been a good week for you! Happy Easter to you and your family!

Gracie Saylor said...

He is risen indeed! Happy Easter!

Julene said...

I'm grabbing a moment to check in! It's a full family weekend and quite joyful!
Another great week and a good hike! Did you stop at the Bat caves? :) He is Risen!!
Yes, it was who you thought. She made it through the week and is now in full time care.

Ingrid said...

What a beautiful walk ! Seems that spring is out there !

Faith said...

He is risen indeed!! Happy Easter/Resurrection day as we like to say around here. LOVE that you got to hike! my last mountain (the one in the snow...UGH) had a LOT of switchbacks during mile 2 and then it leveled out for a few yards and then right back to switchbacks. But...i like them because it seems less steep that way! :) LOVE all your spring pics. My tulips are JUST beginning to pop out of the ground and I'm happy to report that all the snow is gone from my town. Not so for the western part of NY or further upstate...and of course those Catskills and Adirondack mts still have significant might last until June if those temps don't get much beyond 55 soon! Enjoy the rest of your break! mine is just beginning...YAY!