Thursday, April 30, 2015

Happy May Day

It's May First.  Happy May Day!  Warmer weather, winding down the school year. prepping the garden.  It's also Friday and time to pause in this stress filled week and ponder reasons to be grateful.  Large and small blessings.  It's all good.  Here are the Friday Fave Fives of Willow's Week.

1.  I admit to being entranced with my resident reptiles.  This little guy is a western fence lizard.  We greet each other on the patio or sidewalk.  Fortunately, he's not poisonous.

2.  I'm not an adventurous cook, but I found a recipe that incorporates both tofu and kale in a yummy baked spaghetti.  This one I like!  Compliments of Hummusapien.

3.  A unexpected whirlwind trip brought The New Boy and his mom back to California just two weeks after their Huntington Beach trip.  This time, the occasion wasn't joyous--a funeral.  I joined them on the trip--just a four hour drive, an overnight, and another four hour drive back.  The New Boy was a trooper.  On a lighter note, he discovered what you can do with a piece of fruit and a permanent marker.  Meet the menagerie.

4.  I love spending time with my daughter, no matter the circumstances.  Can I just say how proud I am of her?  I should have named her Charis (Grace in Greek) or Mercy.  And of course, it was so crazy I didn't get a single photo of her.

5.  I love the little things that catch my eye on a busy day.
Tiny shamrock flowers.
Not large enough to really count as flowers for May Day, but they're so sweet.


Tracy said...

Hi, Willow! Fun to catch up with you & your family. Though I'm sorry there's been some sorrow lately and a funeral for you to go to... Those "fruit faces" are sooo CUTE!! And I'm intrigued with that tofu AND cauliflower pasta dish--YUM! Happy Spring Days to you all :o) ((HUGS))

Deb J. in Utah said...

Sounds like an overall good week for you, except for the funeral. We have lots of garden lizards in Arizona too and they are fun to watch. Enjoy your weekend.

Jerralea said...

I've never seen shamrock flowers!

Glad you were able to spend time with your daughter and grandson - even if it was for a sad reason.

Barbara H. said...

You're braver than I am with reptiles!

Glad you had a good visit with your daughter and grandson though the circumstances were sad.

I think the shamrock flowers count! Very pretty.

Monica said...

not a fan of creepy crawling things... :)
Nice that you got to spend time with your daughter again, even with the circumstances. I'm with you, take what I can get.
I would say you are pretty adventurous in cooking. I have never attempted to cook with tofu. mmmm, maybe I should.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Faith said...

i dont think i would like to see that lizard on my hikes! salamanders are cute which is what we see on wet trails. i LOVE the fruit art....soooo cute! yay for daughters!!! enjoy the weekend!

ellen b said...

Bitter sweet to have another visit with New Boy and his mom. How nice that you could travel along with them. I'm guessing from memory where you might have traveled. It's so good for us to let our kids know how proud we are of them and to affirm them. That western fence lizard is amazing!

nikkipolani said...

That's quite a lizard along your path with such pretty colors. Glad my cats aren't around!

I like the marker fun your boy had with fruit. Very creative.

Flower said...

It's so nice to have time with Deb and Nathan! Each day is a gift! Happy May!

Susanne said...

I haven't seen a shamrock plant in years. Sorry you had a funeral thrown into your week but nice that you could spend some extra time with your daughter and grandson. Creative little guy, isn't he?

Ingrid said...

Nice week ! I love the mini crocodile, we don't have them in Belgium it's too cold, but in Italy there are many !

Barbara said...

Not for me the Lizard. Funeral not nice but glad you had a good time with daughter and Grandson. I'm off to scroll your recent posts but forgive me for not commenting as I do it as I have got so behind with blogging, posting, visiting as there has been so much going on in life. Just managed my first post in over month!Hope all well with you and J.