Thursday, April 16, 2015

Beach Break

I'm back from Spring Break and in the routine again.  It's Friday, so of course, it's time for Friday Fave Fives.  Things have been a bit crazy as I make the required adjustment, but I am pausing to remember the blessings of the past two weeks.

1.  Fun in the Sun and the Sand.  My job during the second week of my break was being Meema while Daughter #1 was in business meetings.  Huntington Beach for Spring Break?  Perfect!

2.  Time with her after work.

3.  Son #2 drove down from his university to see his sister and nephew (and us).   Precious times!

The boy and his uncle
Uncle and his mini-me

4.  There are certain advantages to having association with the university.  One afternoon, we attended a concert (mini grant presentation by a faculty member) of Celtic music.  I'm a huge fan of Celtic music, so it was a most enjoyable time.  We bought one of the CDs, so I can listen any time I want.

5.  Recently, I purchased a book someone had recommended to me.  Chasing Francis by Ian Morgan Cron deeply touched me and challenged me.  In the book, St. Francis of Assisi's life and example of true Christianity during the late Middle Ages renews the main character's faith.  I highly recommend this story!

St. Francis Prayer

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. 
Where there is hatred, let me sow love; 
where there is injury, pardon; 
where there is doubt, faith; 
where there is despair, hope; 
where there is darkness, light; 

where there is sadness, joy.

O, Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; 

to be understood as to understand; 
to be loved as to love; 
For it is in giving that we receive; 
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; 
it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life.


Ingrid said...

Looks like a very nice place for holidays ! We had sunshine the whole week too ! I love spring !

Faith said...

oh how fun to have your grandson for a visit while you were on spring break! love the pics! and that book ismgoing on my " look in library" list! happy weekend!

Monica said...

What a perfect way to spend spring break! Thanks for sharing your beach pictures with us! I will be on the east coast (beach) the first week of June. Can't wait! :)

Meredith said...

You are so blessed to have this special time with your family.


Kathie said...

ahhhh beach!! I'm sighing


What a lovely time with your family! and on the beach. what could be better?

Thanks for the book recommendation - I'm always on the lookout for new titles.

Happy weekend!

ellen b said...

Now that's a win win situation for spending time with daughter #1 and your grandson #1 at your favorite destination...the beach!

Barbara H. said...

What a great place and good company for spring break!

I love Celtic music as well. I listen mostly to CDs - how fun to see a live performance.

I read Cron's autobiography and want to read that book some time.

Gracie Saylor said...

So glad for your happy family times, Willow. I liked University concerts, too, and especially like Celtic music. [I set up one of my Pandora stations with Celtic music :) ] Thanks for the book recommendation, as if you could just help me organize my time so that I could read more......

Anonymous said...

Thank you for ending with that wonderful prayer, asking the Lord to help us focus outward rather than "self-ward". Mary

Anonymous said...

Thank you for ending with that wonderful prayer, asking the Lord to help us focus outward rather than "self-ward". Mary

Julene said...

Sweet days for sure!!

Susanne said...

I had wondered about that book and now will look for it on your recommendation! Love that prayer/song!

This is such a happy family post. So glad for you that you had such a great week of family time!

Faith said...

Hi! I saw your question on my FFF and wanted to answer.....NO I don't follow any kind of set power walking workout thing. I do my own. I basically start out at a regular walking pace for about 3-5 minutes. Then I pick up the speed to a faster pace for 10-15 minutes or for about a mile (if I'm on a trail or bike path where i know the mile markers). I then (sometimes, depending on my knee!) will do a slow jog/run for a minute, then a fast walk, then a slow jog, fast walk, etc. until I'm winded...usually for about 5 minutes. I then just power walk....a fast pace with arms swinging for about a half mile, then I begin to slow down for the last half mile. (I do 2-3 miles when I'm out). SOMETIMES i get interval ideas from popsugarfitness which is a free app for my ipad and learn some new moves, etc. for specific areas. Currently I am doing their arm weights challenge. It's a 21 day thing. Ignore some of their stuff...some of it is "new age"ish but most of their stuff is awesome...especially their health and clean eating articles. Good luck!!