Thursday, September 10, 2015


I feel a bit subdued today, as should we all no matter where we live.  It's 9/11.  Never Forget those hours of horror as we watched people perish in the Twin Towers of New York and the Pentagon and on Flight 93.  Where were you that day?  Do you remember what you were doing that day?  I was on my way home from my first trip to Europe--Rome, Italy--I had flown with my daughter to LA and was waiting for my ride to LAX to fly home to Oregon.  Needless to say, I didn't make it home that day.

It seems odd and yet completely fitting to share the small blessings of this week with Friday Fave Fives.  For me, it's a tradition--Friday's blog post is Willow's Week in Friday Five Faves.  I still need to do that.  It helps, I think, as we remember September 11, 2001.

1.  It has been HOT here this week.  Temperatures have been in the high 80s and low 90sF.  And it's so dry.  The only consolation for the heat has been the stunning sunsets.  The evening cooler temperature is a blessing!

2.  We live on the edge of the rugged Santa Monica Mountains.  Regularly, we see wildlife hanging around or wandering through the neighborhood.  This week we saw a large raccoon on our nightly walk.  One day as I drove into the driveway, I startled a deer who had been browsing and grazing on the bank behind our house.  After I snapped the photo of the sunset above, I walked around to the back of the house and there was the sentinel daddy quail standing guard in the bush at the top of the bank.  Honestly, I think quail are the cutest birds alive.  I'm blessed to share my land with wildlife.

3.  This is my last week of summer break.  I guess it's not really break anymore since I've been spending hours every day working on lessons.  But in between I've run errands and been to the library and just sat at home and read.  I'm thankful for these last quiet days.

4.  After one long session with those lesson plans, I rewarded myself with a Pumpkin Spice Latte (soy, of course).  I buy one a year.  It was worth it.  (not my photo)

5.  I posted this photo of the two hats I made this week on facebook  (same photo I posted here yesterday).  Lots of people 'liked' it and one friend made a comment [The leaves are perfect!]  which got me thinking... I'm going to knit this pattern with orange and brown leaves.  More inspiration!

These, my little blessings, are what filled my week.  Obviously, it's not a complete list of what I am grateful for--the Labor Day dinner with friends, the small group meeting at our home on Sunday night ought to be included.  I am thankful that this weekly Fave Fives helps me Remember God's Grace and Blessing to me.


Tori Leslie said...

Knitting and pumpkin spice latte, you'r life seems perfect!!
I enjoyed your FFF and that quail is amazing. I love seeing wildlife in the wild. ;0)

Faith said...

amazing photo of the quail and those hats are just adorable!! I dont care for pumpkin coffees but I do treat myself to a cinnamon latte this time of year...well...if it ever gets cooler here in NY....we have had a horrible heat wave as well. im actually ready for those 70s and has been a hot start to the school year! enjoy the rest of your. reak. my students begin today!!! please pray for one little guy named Logan. he has some significant delays and really isnt ready for lur classroom yet.....he is in it. I need prayer!!!! lol

Tracy said...

It is, and always will be, a heavy-hearted day-- 9/11... The evening before we'd just returned from a weekend trip. I turned on the TV news in the middle of the day, which I never do, somehow felt compelled to... and there it was, all unfolding. I cried for weeks, I was sacred for weeks... It was an awful time. And all those lost--we still feel it. Thank you for such a beautiful post today, Willow, and keeping up the spirit of gratitude... It is often with loss, that blessing lives along side... ((HUGS))

nikkipolani said...

Yes, we do remember. I love this weekly habit of remembering the blessings God bestows whatever else is happening in our lives. And I like your collection of these five.

Karen said...

I do remember exactly where I was when I heard the news. Yes, it's a somber day for many and always will be. All the more reason to recognize and hold tighter to those moments of joy in our lives.

Gracie Saylor said...

We are blessed...I am remembering with you...and I am grateful. When we lived in Sonoma, CA I loved watching the quail march around our garden from time to time. I burned some pumpkin pie spice votive candles the other day and loved the scent. Perhaps I will try to concoct a pumpkin pie spice latte with almond inspire me :) Wishing you a happy weekend. xx

Barbara H. said...

I was on my way to my kids' school where I used to volunteer every Tuesday morning, turned on the radio news, and was stunned. When I got in to the office, someone had set up a TV and we watched in horror. They set up a TV in the cafeteria for students to watch who wanted to. A number became Christians that day.

One thing I am thankful for is that day did not start WWIII as some feared it would. I'm thankful that we can peaceably count our blessings on the computer.

Those hats would be wonderful in orange and brown. Glad you had a nice last week of summer break!

ellen b said...

I remember you were traveling that day. That was quite a mess of a travel day for sure.

Denise said...

enjoyed your list.

Meredith said...

Wonderful blessing in your week.

Jerralea said...

9/11 was a terrible day for me personally as well as nationally. I have not been able to write about it even yet...

It is a good thing to remember blessings even when colored with sorrow. Your simple joys this week stand as a reminder of what a blessing it is to live in a free country!

Love love love the sunset pic!

Susan said...

My daughter and I were driving to Pikes Peak Community College (CO) and the freeway was BACKED up esp on the exit to Cheyenne Mountain. I told my daughter, "Something bad has happened to cause all these military people to go into CM." After we got to school we collected around the TV monitors and watched the horror unfold.

So yes, I feel privileged to also be able to participate in this weekly FFF. I don't want to let anyone take away my ability to be grateful.

Love the idea of knitting up the hat with orange and green leaves.

How cool that you get to see so much wildlife. We see turkeys and squirrels. Quail are cute. My fave bird (that I've seen with my own eyes) is the Rocky Mountain Bluebird.

I hope this last free weekend is the perfect blend of busy and creative.

Susanne said...

I was at home after getting my kids off to school when hubby called and told me to turn on tv because something awful had happened in New York. Andas I watched the horror just kept getting worse. Every year I remember and think of all those that passed away that day and all the families that were affected.

That hat would be perfect with fall colored leaves! I love all your wild life! We sometimes get deer up from the riverbottom even though we are over a mile away from the river. They love munching on everybody's cedar bushes. We see rabbits, and I've seen a fox and big ol' skunk.

Deb J. in Utah said...

9/11 yes, we all remember where we were. I had just started my teaching career (like the week before) and remember our principal (at the small Charter School I started out at) meeting the teachers at the door. His face had no color as he explained what had happened. My hubby was in California and my oldest daughter was in Hawaii, my second oldest was in high school and the two younger boys were with me at the charter school. All I wanted to do was gather my loved ones together and hug them long and hard! A truly unforgettable tragedy and day.

Have a good school year. I love those darling hats. Have a good week.

snoopydogknits said...

Love the cute little hats! Love to too, to hear about the wildlife that live around you. We live in a city centre, but do see the occasional fox or hedgehog. Ros x

Ingrid said...

You are so lucky to still enjoy summer ! Here it's getting cool and my mood sinks ! School has started beginning September and whole Belgium woke up ! Your little bonnets are real cute !