Friday, September 04, 2015

September, Here We Come!

Wow, it was a week.  My main focus has been on being ready for my classes which begin in two weeks.  Hours and hours of photocopying. Rewriting lessons and source materials.  Watching training videos.  Attending meetings. I haven't posted anything here for a week and didn't even get around to read others' FFF last week. I usually do, so I am sorry I missed last week.  Anyway, here are my Friday Fave Fives for the first week of September.

1.  So my first fave is an obvious one.  I'm thankful I am ready with lessons through Christmas.  My goal is to have at least the basics of the whole course worked out before classes start.  I'm half way there.

2.  While listening to the training dvds, I am able to simultaneously do some spinning of very brightly colored yarn.  I finished spinning this beautiful wool fiber which was gifted to me by a friend.

Details (if you care):
4 oz merino wool
from Judy's Novelty Wool
Centerville, UT
Color:  Dew on the Moab Desert

What shall I knit?

3.  Excellent meeting with the other teachers in the IEW program.  Wednesday afternoon we met and did business--sample lessons, supply distribution.  What started out as my friend learning this program to teach to her children, then teaching other kids, then inviting me to teach, has grown to include six teachers and an admin!  It's a blessing to me to work with dedicated, like-minded and passionate teachers.  Our goal is to change the world through teaching writing! Think:  a bad idea well presented can influence the world. (Hitler comes to mind)  How much more can a good idea well presented do to change the world!

4.  Some days are like this:  you just have to stop on the side of the road, hop out of the car and enjoy the peaceful view.  [Pt. Mugu beach next to the Navy shooting range where lots of Navy people were practicing and qualifying for their shooting competency, so it wasn't quiet]

5.  Last Sunday The Professor preached (three times!) at our church.  He was pleased to be invited to preach and spent A LOT of time preparing.  It went well.  My two take aways (he calls them 'so whats') were the most important things Jesus said after His resurrection that He wanted His disciples to know:  He is alive.  We are to tell everyone we know that He is alive.  (Acts 1:1-9)

How was your week?


Gracie Saylor said...

You have an interesting and varied favorite five this week! It is fun to consider what you will make with the pretty yarn you spun. Thanks for the ocean view...I always love to see the sea :) I'm cheering you on to complete your goal of finishing your lesson plans. Your take away from your husband's sermons reminds me of a four sentence sermon within his more lengthy teaching that my pastor gave several weeks ago: 1. Jesus came to reconcile everyone to God. 2. Believers in Christ are to tell everyone about Jesus. 3. Someday Jesus will return, but no one knows when. 4. Believers are to be looking for Jesus' return while going into all the world telling everyone about Him.

Barbara H. said...

Good work on your lesson planning! That's neat that you can spin while watching training DVDs, Pretty yarn! Neat about the writing class and your hubby getting to preach! Love that peaceful beach view.

Meredith said...

Sounds like you are getting well prepared for your classes. That yarn is gorgeous. I think a hat would be lovely in it.

Betsy said...

Hello Willow. I'm glad you came over to my blog today. My husband is also preaching this Sunday at our church. It's always wonderful to see what we can learn every week isn't it? You asked about my charity knitting. In the past I've knitted for Japan after the earthquake/tsunami. In fact, that's when my blog started. Our youngest son lives in Japan. I also send sweaters, scarves and mittens through World Vision and I put things together for Samaritans purse at times. But most of my charity Knitting is here in United States. I crochet and knit for Outreach to Appalachia. Also an Indian reservation call Pineridge in South Dakota. And many, many places locally here in Spokane, Washington. I enjoyed reading your blog today and your yarn is very beautiful. Again thanks for visiting me today. Blessings, Betsy

Anonymous said...
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aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh that yarn is just so pretty.

Ingrid said...

You had quite a lot of work ! I am happy that I can be lazy as much as I want to ! I am retired, was a bit hard in the beginning to get used to, but now it's great !

Faith said...

It sounds like you had a very productive week!! How awesome that your hubby got to preach too!! That beach pic is gorgeous!! Enjoy the rest of the summer break!!!

Anonymous said...

I got my spinning wheel out for the first time in several months and am spinning some merino/silk. Feels good to be doing that again! Yours is beautiful. I'll be interested to hear what you do with it. I find it challenging to find projects for smaller amounts of yarn. Mary

snoopydogknits said...

Your spinning looks wonderful. I am very much a beginner and want to run before I can walk, I'm afraid! Ros

Susan said...

Great "so what" from your hubby - Jesus is alive and b/c of that it makes a personal difference to the whole world! I am struggling with something and so this idea makes a difference to me today.

So true that ideas can change the world.I love that you are helping kiddos fashion good ideas to do the same. What is the name of the curriculum?

Congrats on being half-way through your curriculum planning goal. That sure takes dedication, but will be so worth it!

I like your idea about using 3x5 cards for weekend chores. I have heard of a similar idea but have never checked it out. I think I will b/c then I don't have to write these regular chores on my to-do list. When I am not at work, I am a spontaneous person and sometimes it is hard for me to get the regular things done.

The yarn is a gorgeous blend of colours. Socks or a scarf would be lovely.