Thursday, August 27, 2015

Counting Down

It's almost September and I'm counting down the days until I turn the calendar page to the month I start back teaching.  I'm also counting down to the weekend when The Professor will have finished his first week of teaching this semester.  Fridays are good days to evaluate the week, not to wish you'd done more lesson planning but to count blessings and find favorites from the week.  That's why I do Friday Fave Fives.

Here are my Fave Five from Willow's Week.

1.  The high school class reunion for The Professor's graduating class was a success!  We thoroughly enjoyed visiting with his old classmates.  Truly, I appreciate how accepting they all are of me and other 'spouses'.  Altogether, it was a great weekend.  Here are a few of them who are intrepid souls and joined up to walk in the Arcata Humboldt Bay Marsh.

2.  We picked up Son #2 from Stanford and he helped with the 675 mile drive home.  That's the fave--The Professor (and I) got a break from driving.

3.  Said son has flown away again.  This year he will be nearer his sisters on the east coast since he was given a post doctorate position out there.  At least we had him around for a few days before he took off again.

4.  On our nightly walks in our neighborhood, we often meet an older couple walking slowly up the hills.  They are adorable.  He holds her hand; she walks with a cane.  We always share 'Good evening' and other pleasantries.  One morning this week they drove past me as I was walking and stopped to say hi.  Shyly, she told me, "Today is our fifty-fifth wedding anniversary."  Happy Anniversary to them!  This made my whole week happy!

5.  I've been plowing through the lesson planning.  As of this writing, I am 1/3 through the lessons I need to write for the year.  That's a fave because I can now sorta kinda see the light at the other end of the tunnel.

Bonus:  I've been going through my photos from the trip and as usual my favorite shots are all close ups.  All of them are flowers or flora of some kind.  Here are some for your (and my) enjoyment.

I hope you've had a great week, too!


Ingrid said...

For you the summertime really ends with August when you have to start working again and prepare lessons ! It has become so seldom to see a couple so well aging together for such a long time !

Tracy said...

VERY fun with the Professor's class reunion! Hope Son #2 has a great time out east. 55 years married--what a milestone and example to us all, that sweet couple you meet while walking! LOVELY floral images... dreamy...*sigh*... Happy Weekend, Willow ((HUGS))

Barbara H. said...

Love the flower photos, especially the pink one! The reunion sounds fun! Loved hearing about the sweet older couple. Happy lesson planning! :-) Glad you had time with your son and help driving.

ellen b said...

Lovely photos. What a great idea to go on a hike with the reunion group!

Susan said...

My, you have had a productive week - plowing through lesson plans and sorting photos. Feels so good to get those kinds of projects done. Hurray for you.

55 years? That is awesome. And how sweet that they stopped to tell you.

I hope this week is the right blend of relaxation and accomplishment.

Karen said...

55 years! That is a blessing indeed. It's nice that you've become acquainted with each other.

Lovely photos. I especially like the Queen Ann's lace. Wish it grew in our area.

Have a good weekend!

Gracie Saylor said...

I enjoyed seeing your favorite five, too, Willow. Thanks for sharing them. You really did get some great photos, too! xx

Brenda said...

How perfect that the day you introduce yourselves would be their anniversary. I'll bet they needed that. Happy weekend to ya!

Susanne said...

55 years!! They sound like a sweet couple! Yay for someone who shares the driving on long drives! Fun that your hubby still gets together with his graduating class. That really is amazing. Doing a hike in your lovely area sounds like the perfect thing to do. Love the pictures as usual!