Thursday, August 13, 2015

Five Faves and One August Break

Friday Fave Fives and August Break.  It has been a busy week.  Spinning.  Writing lesson plans.  I've decided to join August Break and post a picture every day.  And of course, since it's Friday, it's Friday Fave Five.

1.  #13 August Break.  Last year.  One of my favorite places--the beach.  On New Years Day 2014

2.  Another afternoon of spinning at the fair.  I do enjoy it--explaining the mechanism of the wheel, showing the spinning process.  I actually get some fiber spun.  And we get in free.

Our family has a lot of birthdays this month.  Beginning the last day of July and going through mid August, three of my children celebrate their birthdays.  Although we don't live near them, we call them and send them presents.  Happy Birthday X3!

3.  Youngest

4.  First Born

5.  Older Daughter

I am truly blessed to be mother to these three!

Bonus--Son #2 is visiting for a couple of weeks.  My fourth blessing!


Tracy said...

New Year's Day at the beach--LOVE that! :o) So wonderful to see you beautiful children... HAPPY DAYS to them all, to all of you! ((HUGS))

Faith said...

what gorgeous children! yay for days at the beach! wow.... on New Years day im usually snuggled up with hot coffee, a book looking at the white stuff falling to the ground. or walking a nature trail on a coating of snow😀 that beach pic is so nice!!

enjoy the time with your son and happy bdays to your blessings!

Susanne said...

Happy birthday to all your wonderful children. Our run of birthdays starts the end of November and goes until the end of February with Christmas thrown in there for good measure. At day at the beach on New Year's Day sounds lovely!

Ingrid said...

I also have 3 birthdays in July August, mine, my sons and the DIL !

Jerralea said...

Our family has birthday months like that - September is my mom, my daughter and 3 nieces and nephew's. Then come mid-May and June and we have another run of birthdays in less than 30 days...

I so love seeing all your beach pictures!

Susan said...

Oh, I just remembered that I wanted to be part of August Break too. I should have put it on my calendar. Thanks for the information!

The beach is my fave place too. I am going in two Saturdays and am sooooo excited about it.

Hurray for children who have another birthday. I love celebrating them.

ellen b said...

Happy birthday to your dear children! How fun to have a visit from your son!

Karen said...

Family birthdays are the best. Happy Birthday, to all of your children. So nice seeing the beach pictures, and what a great place to welcome the new year!

Barbara H. said...

We have four family birthdays between mid-July and mid-September, two of them this week - one reason I am late commenting on FFF. :-) Always a joy to celebrate, though. How neat your son is coming to visit! I always envy your beach photos.

nikkipolani said...

And a belated happy birthday to your crew! I wish someone would take a photo of you at the fair, spinning and teaching and totally in your element :-)