Friday, October 30, 2015

Friday Fave Five: Autumn Adventure

I missed last week's Friday Fave Fives.  In my defense, I was AWOL because of traveling with my family.  Is there a better excuse?  It was a wonderful trip.  But it's always also wonderful to state at the end "There's no place like home."  But oh! It was marvelous!  So, here are Five Faves from my Fall Adventure.

1.  A birthday party for our Miss PAL.  She's ONE!

2.  Then there was the plane flight to the home of Older Daughter.  Flying would certainly not be one of my faves.  And nearly missing my connection was very low on the 'faves' options.  But the consideration of the other passengers in allowing me and others who were making close connections to deplane first actually made the difference and I hurried RAN through the airport and was literally the last person on the plane. (Maybe they were waiting for me, knowing I was RUNNING to catch the flight?)  Sometimes considerate co passengers are a scarcity.  But this time there was an abundance of them.

3.  A whole day with three of my children and three of my grandchildren.  We hiked in the woods and enjoyed each other's company.  It made my mother's heart sing!

4.  Then I spent a week farther east with Younger Daughter.  We drove with Dr.Mike and dropped him off where he is living this year and then on to the Chesapeake Bay.  We walked the dogs.  We fed the children.  We enjoyed coffees and snacks.  We knitted.  We might have visited a yarn shop or two.

5.  We had occasion to visit Annapolis.  Since we both love the water, we strolled along the harbor and even drove through the US Naval Academy.

It was a long time to be roaming around the US, but I loved every minute.


ellen b said...

Miss Pal is so cute! Glad you could celebrate her and then head further east to see your others!

Susan said...

What an awesome week and certainly a GREAT reason for missing last week's FFF. Making a flight connection is always a relief because the alternative is a big pain.So glad you got to spend time with your kiddos doing "regular" things (walks, feeding, etc). I always enjoy knowing what my kids' day-to-day life is life.

Susanne said...

Happy birthday to your sweet cutie! Lots of family time again for you. Glad you made that connector!

nikkipolani said...

Yikes. I hate close connections and am so glad you made yours! How fun to get to celebrate Miss PAL's first birthday. Your week away sounds chock full of family faves.

Ingrid said...

You certainly had a wonderful time, despite your jogging through the airport, lol !

Barbara H. said...

What great visits with family! Flying does have its own issues - especially tight connection times. Glad you made yours! Happy birthday to your little PAL!

Faith said...

Oh i remember running as fast as we could through the Atlanta airport to catch a connecting flight to San Francisco when our oldest was just 4.....i don't think I've run that fast since!! Glad you made it!! Hooray for spending time with family and those grandchildren are precious! And yes...there is NO place like home :)

Gracie Saylor said...

Just caught up on your trip East posts! Autumn is so lovely there, and visiting family...precious...and playing with yarn and visiting some yarn shops too...delightful :) xx

Tracy said...

First birthday... how wonderful! Miss PAL is sooo cute--look at that cake-decorated face! ;o) Some sweet family times for you all... Happy!! ((HUGS))