Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas Poinsettias

Nothing says Christmas like the poinsettias which you see everywhere -- in every store, every church, every holiday display -- all during December.
Where I live, poinsettias grow into large perennial bushes.  These plants line the rural road just a mile from my home.


Sara at Come Away With Me said...

How gorgeous!

ellen b. said...

Oh wow! They are really full and lovely this year!

busybusybeejay said...

wow!How amazing.The only other time I have seen poinsettias in the wild was in the British Virgin Islands in the Caribbean.

Deb J. in Utah said...

How beautiful! Can't beat California for natural beauty. You and yours have a very happy New Year!

nikkipolani said...

Isn't it amazing how tall they grow? My aunt and parents have them growing in their gardens and they are at least 6ft tall.

Lori at Jarvis House said...

Dear Willow, wow are you ever lucky to have such color with all of those Pointsettias along your way. The flowers here on Long Island are months away, but things are blooming very early because of the unusually mild winter. Hope that your New Year is healthy and fun. Cheers Lori from the Jarvis House.

Faith said...

oh how pretty!!! I've never seen poinsettas outside of a plant that is given to me at the holiday season..and this year I didn't get ANY!!

Marg said...

Those are beautiful...I have never seen those before. I just got your news letter in the mail..thank you so much. I love looking to see how everyone is making their journey in life. We were in Phoenix last February right beside the Mayo Clinic...(my husband almost had me booked in their for knee surgery, but I opposed)
Hoping the best for you in the New Year and whatever it brings you...We embrace each moment and every day.

Meredith said...

Those are incredible!
Hugs to you and Happy New Year!