Thursday, December 10, 2015

Friday Fave Fives, mid December

Friday Fave Fives for this week.  It has been one crazy busy week.  I need a slow weekend!

[I have a question for Willowscottage readers, and maybe for anyone who uses blogspot.  For the past few months, I have been having a problem with my domain.  If I leave my website open on my computer and move to any other window or a document, the website is hijacked.  Usually it moves to a website called gogarden although sometimes it connects to a myspace page.  I'm really annoyed and haven't been able to find out why or how to stop it.  Has anyone had this problem with Willowscottage or with other websites?  Does anyone have any suggestions for a fix?]

1.  Wow. Not one, but TWO dinners to celebrate with friends.  On Saturday night, twenty-three of us gathered for food and fellowship.  Then The Professor and I did a repeat on Tuesday evening with another small group--this time thirteen.  We love church small groups!

2.  The local community choir and the chorale from the university join to sing in performances.  We like to attend the Holiday concert each year.  And each year the director quizzes us, "When are you going to sing with us?"  Someday...when there is a bit more time in our schedules.

3.  Of course, there was knitting this week.  I'm stitching my way through sweaters for the grandchildren and am currently on #3.  Knitting will always make my fave list.

4.  I was gifted a lovely poinsettia!  I did take a photo, but as you can see, it didn't turn out well...blurry and maybe underlighted?  (I've taken several photos, but they're not looking great.  I'm wondering if some basic settings are off.  Checking the camera is on the to do list for the weekend.)

5.  Mary, Did You Know by Pentatonix is my favorite Christmas carol this year.  I can't listen to this too often!


Tracy said...

What a VERY strange think happening with your domain, Willow! I'm not sure what is happening, or how you can fix it... Will have to give that a think! :/ Glad you're having a good bit of cheer in between the domain issues, though... LOL! Happy Days ((HUGS))

Monica said...

No I'm not having any issue with your blog. Looks great as always and never gets moved while I'm around...
I'm not having any issues now that I have a new computer. My old one was XP and wouldn't run the site very well. Doing great now though!
Sounds like you are having a lovely Season! Happy knitting!

ellen b. said...

Sorry about the computer issue. Sounds like you are getting into the spirit of Christmas. I think I need to listen to more Christmas music...don't have a favorite yet this year...

nikkipolani said...

Oooh, that BlogSpot problem sounds wretched. As a reader, I don't have a problem, except that rarely does Blogger take my OpenID for Wordpress. So I'm glad you take Name/URL!

Anyway, your busy week sounds fun and filled with good people and good projects for some of your favorite peoples.

Gracie Saylor said...

Once when visiting WC recently I got a flashy something or other that I then escaped, but I have no cure and am still wrestling with a domain issue with my blog. I thought I had it fixed but am still getting bounce back emails saying my comments aren't published even though they were...the mysteries of cyberspace.... I'm cheering you on to have happy productive days! xx

Schotzy said...

We both love the same song! Merry Christmas!

Susan said...

That Mary song is also one of my faves! And this group's rendition is especially lovely.

Sometimes when I click on a sight (never your's though), I am rerouted from where I wanted to either gogarden, myspace, or a forest website. I have not figured out what is going on and it IS frustrating.

My kiddos' grandmas used to knit sweaters for them and I loved it as did they. So I know this is an especially wonderful gift you are giving to your family.

I also need to put camera manual reading on my to-do list as well. I enjoy taking photos and really do want to do a better job at it.

Have a great week, Willow.

Barbara H. said...

So far I have never had that reroute when visiting your site. Very strange indeed! Hope you get some answers!

How lovely to have had the two dinners with many friends this week! And to attend the Holiday concert. Our church is having it's annual Christmas program this weekend, one of my favorite services of the year.

I love that version of Mary, Did You Know.

J. D. H. said...

Hello! My mom, Barbara H., mentioned that you were having some troubles. Since it looks like your other readers aren't having the issue, my guess is that you are have some kind of adware installed on your computer.

I'd recommend running a virus scan on your computer with whatever antivirus you have. I'd also recommend running Malware Bytes Anti Malware (you only need the free version) and ADWCleaner and see if that improves things. If not, you may want to find a local computer repair shop and have them take a look.

Barbara H. said...

Hi Willow - just wanted to confirm to you that that is my son in the comment above. He deals with computer issues for a living and I asked him if he had any ideas how to deal with this. :-)

Susanne said...

I love the way Pentatonix do that song! I also found another version that is wonderful:
Love the initial that you have going on the sweaters. Those grandkids are going to be the cutest in their sweaters knit with such love. I can't say I've ever been rerouted here though I have on other blogs.

Meredith said...

Oh no so sorry about the blogging issues. I have no idea how to fix that hope you find a cure!

Deb J. in Utah said...

I also love Mary, Did You Know. Such a beautiful song and a wonderful message. I agree with Susanne, check out the Peter Hollens version too! Sounds like you are having a wonderful Christmas. May you continue to find joy in this season!