It's already November?? Wow. Eleventh month of the year 2016. Traditionally, in the US, November is the month of Thanksgiving. I think it's important to be thankful every day, not just for a month or a few days in November. That's why I delight in
Friday Fave Fives.
1. Here is the proof that it rains in Southern California. On Sunday, it rained!
2. The monarch butterfly caterpillars are back again, chomping on the milkweed. I had read that monarchs return several times during a single season to lay eggs. Fortunately, the milkweed plants, which is their only food, have been growing well this year. I found one chrysalis but because of its position hanging from a dead branch I haven't been able to photograph it easily. (I'll keep trying.)
3. Here is a yummy fave! This is an update on the sweet potatoes I planted in the spring. So far, I've pulled up less than one fourth of the plants and I have a lot of tubers. Admittedly some of them are weirdly shaped probably because they were confined to a pot. But they'll still taste fine, right? I'm super excited! My first sweet potatoes!
4. Although I'm trying to knit down my yarn stash, sometimes I need to purchase a skein to finish a project. I'm thankful for sales and coupons to keep the cost down. This week I scored yarn for a baby vest to give a sweet little one who is outgrowing the one I gave her a few months ago.
5. This quote: A Garden is a Delight to the Eye and a Solace for the Soul.
And this one: The Earth Laughs in Flowers.
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)
Flowers from my garden this week. I laugh in delight and find solace in my garden.
California daisy
Hummingbird sage
Where have you found delight or solace this week?