Friday, May 27, 2016

Busy Week

Friday Fave Fives from Willow's Week.  I thought that my first week of retirement would be filled with hours of contemplating my future projects and considering which ones to move to higher priority.  Oh well.  Lots of my plans were changed and that's just fine.

1.  I didn't expect to be driving all over the place this week.  But that's how it all turned out.  Son #2, Dr. Mike, was here for two days before leaving for another adventure in Western Australia. (Maybe I should rename him "Indiana Jones".)  So that involved two trips to Los Angeles plus some fun side trips to favorite stores where he could gather his supplies.  Any time spent with our boy is a fave since we don't see him on a regular basis!  Even time sitting in the car is treasured time.

2.  An added bonus was that while Dr. Mike was choosing the right back pack and the warmest sleeping bag, I found a great shirt to wear while I am hiking this summer.  It's UVP treated, long sleeved, but also thin enough to wear in summer.

3.  We didn't expect to be attending a friend's memorial service.  We had a trip to our old stomping grounds where we attended college and where we lived during some of our early married years and where we attended church during our home assignment times.  We found out on Wednesday night that a celebration of the life of one of our very dear friends from those years (and from The Professor's childhood) was on Thursday evening.  So we drove the 1 1/2 hours to participate in her memorial service.  So many of our college friends were there that it seemed like a college reunion, too.

4.  The Professor turned in his grades at the university so we truly are on summer break!  We thought he would be finished on Tuesday, but he decided that spending those days with Dr. Mike was more important, so he finished on Thursday, but still before the deadline.

5.  I have been looking for some pots to use for plants outdoors on the patio.  Finally, we found some at our local garden store.  When I couldn't decide which to buy or find two identical pots, The Professor said, "Just get them both."  So I did--because you can never have too many cute pots for even cuter plants.

Query:  has anyone of you switched to Windows 10?  There may be a desert of photos displayed here until I figure it all out.  The above pictures are displayed solely because The Professor is a wizard of technology.  So far, I am not a fan...of Windows 10.


Jill Foley said...

Sounds like a full week! I'm guessing retirement (just like life) will have it's busy times and it's slower times.

ellen b said...

I keep saying no to Windows 10 when the window pops up. So glad you had time with Dr. Mike before he heads to Australia. I wonder if my niece was at that same memorial service? She talked about the service of a mom of one of her friends.
Hope you have a meaningful Memorial Day weekend.

Ingrid said...

A good start into your retirement ! For me the worst was to get used that I was master of my time and could do what I wanted (or almost) In the beginning I struggled a bit, but then I found regular occupations and enjoy ! I switched to Window 10 without any problem, my husband had made my desktop just like it was before so I don't even see all these new icons and I am very happy with it. I don't realize any difference ! But I only use Internet for blogging and emails and the computer for my photos only.

Come Away With Me said...

Hi Willow - congratulations on your long-anticipated retirement!

Jerralea said...

Sounds like a good week to me! Visits with children are the best.

Husbands who say, "Just take them both," when shopping rate highly in my book.

So far, I've not had any problems with Windows 10. 3 of the 4 computers are now Windows 10. One is still XP. LOL!

Jerralea said...

Umm, I meant to say 3 of the 4 computers I WORK ON are now Windows 10.

Obviously, I should proof before posting!

Susanne said...

How nice for that time with your son before he leaves on a trip! Sorry to hear of the loss of a long time friend. Your hubby is a wise man encouraging you to take both! :) I got windows 10 and so far no problems.

Faith said...

my husband, a computer geek, says DO NOT use windows 10. he cannot stand windows. we have linux on our desktop and one laptop and of course i have windows 8 on my laptop. good luck!!

yay for time with your son and with the deck pots! and yay for summer break. 4 more weeks for us here in eastern NY and i cant wait!!!!!!!!

Gracie Saylor said...

Happy Summer Break! Two of our household left for two weeks camping today, and I plan to join them on Wednesday on the east side of Mt. Hood. I hope you are able to put your new shirt to good use hiking this summer :) I have been using a MacBook Pro for the last three years and have forgotten what little I knew about Windows...while I bumble my way to learning to use my various Apple products, but I am cheering you on to resolving your issues with Windows. xx

Wendy said...

Congratulations on your retirement. Nice to have time with your son. I have windows 10 and prefer it to Windows 8. I hope you get used to it.

Barbara H. said...

Neat you got to spend time with Dr. Mike! Sad about the memorial, but glad you got to go. I haven't gotten Windows 10 yet - I need to ask my husband and computer-expert son about it.