Thursday, May 19, 2016

It's a Wrap

Happy Friday!  Happy Friday Fave Fives!  Here is Willow's Week...

1.  The door on my front loading washer broke.  As I was pulling it open after it finished a load of towels, the plastic handle snapped.  It wasn't completely detached, but I couldn't open the door.  As I stood there contemplating how I was going to rescue those wet towels from a moldy, mildewy death, suddenly I had an inspiration.  One might call it a McGyver moment.  DUCT TAPE!  Duct Tape will hold that handle together.  Duct Tape fixes everything.  So I did.  And it does.  To be sure, this is merely a temporary solution, so in the next few weeks, there may be more Faves on the subject of either new washers or repaired washers.

2.  "You are invited..."  My nephew's wife is imminently expecting their first child.  Last weekend there was a baby shower.  So I nudged my sister-in-law into accompanying me on that perilous journey to Los Angeles County to celebrate this new addition to the clan.  Other sister-in-law was there too and we had a gay old time laughing together and hanging out with the grandmas to be and the aunties, too.

3.  Congratulations to me!  As of this week, I am RETIRED!  I taught my last regular writing class.

4.  The end of the year is always fun and the students were in great form as we closed out the year.  We played Mrs. Willow's IEW* Jeopardy which they love. They shared goodies and also showered me with lovely gifts.  Obviously, they are aware that I love my coffee because there were a couple of caffeine related gift cards.  *Institute for Excellence in Writing--the curriculum I teach.

5.  I think the best gift I received was orchestrated by my most creative teenage helper who is practicing to be a TA.  She secretly arranged for all the students in the Thursday classes to write notes to me which she printed and bound into a book of memories. So. So. Sweet.  I will treasure it forever.


Ingrid said...

Welcome to the club of retirees ! What a very nice good bye present you got ! Means that you were very appreciate as teacher !

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on a job well done. I imagine you are needing a restful week or two now. Those wonderful hikes, work in the garden, and time with your camara in hand should fill your time up quite easily. Not to mention travel, knitting, Mary

Faith said...

oh how wonderful that you get to retire!!!! not me! i still have to help put a 17 year old through at least 5 more years of being in kindergarten for moi!! lol

how fun to go to a baby shower...has been a long time since i went to one!

those gifts sound perfect especially the book of messages. that is amazing!

happy weekend!

Karen said...

Congratulations on your retirement, Linda! What an exciting time for you now, it's a whole new beginning. Enjoy!

The gift from your students is precious indeed and I'm sure they loved writing all of those notes for you. You strike me as a teacher that will long be remembered and treasured by her students.

Best Wishes!

Jill Foley said...

Wow - congratulations on your retirement!

My girls and I just started our first IEW writing class : )

Anonymous said...

Retirement is a wonderful time of life. Enjoy! Ilene

nikkipolani said...

Wow wow wow, Willow! You are officially retired. And what a smashing finish with wonderful participation from those who've been touched by your presence. Perhaps you'll take up alternative appliance repairs as a hobby ;-)

Jerralea said...

Congrats on retiring! (I'm slightly envious even though I know right now is not the time for me to retire.) I love that your students wrote their sentiments and your TA bound them for you. That is my kind of gift!

And I'm impressed with your channeling McGyver to overcome your obstacle. Who knows what talents you might come up with next?

Meredith said...

Congrats on retirement!! I wish you all the best on all your future adventures.

Barbara H. said...

Good work on the duct tape idea! Hopefully the handle can be fixed and you won't have to get a new one. Though new ones are fun, too. :-D

Wow, retired!! Fun! And what a lovely showering of farewell gifts, especially the memory book.

ellen b said...

Never leave home without it...duct tape not American Express. I keep a roll in my glove compartment. Congratulations on your retirement! That book is such a thoughtful idea. Glad you made to L.A. and back! Have a good weekend.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Congratulations on being retired!!! This makes me so happy for you :)

Gracie Saylor said...

Congratulations on your retirement, Willow! It is lovely you received the memory book.
While I am sorry the handle broke, your description of the ordeal and triumph prompted me to laugh out loud :)
May the Lord bless you as you launch into this new season of your life, brave LA conquerer! xx

Susanne said...

Well congratulations on your retirement! May you have fun building many happy new things into this new adventure in life. Your duct tape story cracked me right up. How clever of you.

snoopydogknits said...

Congratulations on your retirement! Lots more family time and hobbies tim! :-) Rosx

Deb J. in Utah said...

Congratulations! I am just a bit jealous. I still have a few years left. Hope you enjoy your summer. Have fun picking out just the right new washing machine.