Thursday, March 16, 2017

Friday Fave Fives, Almost Spring

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  This is one of my favorite holidays.  I am a little bit Irish AND it's my birthday!  Here are the Friday Fave Fives from Willow's Week on this almost spring Friday.

1.  Here is a favorite portion of the Patrick Compline:

May God shield me,
May God fill me,
May God keep me,
May God bring me this night,
To the nearness of his love.

The peace of the Father of joy,
The peace of the Christ of hope,
The peace of the Spirit of grace.

2.  Last Saturday, The Professor and I spent our morning learning about traditional California native plants which were/are used for traditional medicines.  The presenter was a very knowledgeable young woman and was an excellent teacher.  We wandered around the Santa Barbara Botanical Garden with her and several other people (including a former student and her mom!). We learned so much!
A couple of interesting specimens

Mallow (Malva spp)

Horsetail esquisetum arvense

3.  A friend gifted me this from her garden for my birthday.  Isn't it beautiful?

4.  I do love a clean house.  And there's nothing like expecting company to get me to clean my house!

5.  Speaking of company, guess who's coming today?  My dear PAL!  (And her daddy and mommy!) Can't wait!

And, just for fun and your viewing pleasure, here are two more photos of our California poppies which are blooming and blooming and blooming!  This spring, the flowers are extra ordinarily large, maybe because of all the rain we received this winter.

Enjoy your weekend!


Anonymous said...

Where's number one?

Willow said...

Fixed it!

Tracy said...

Happy Birthday, Willow! Hope you have the weekend to celebrate!--fun with family & friends! :) Beautiful flowers... those irises are GORGEOUS! Wishing you all LOVE-liness, my friend ((HUGS))

Faith said...

Happy Birthday!! and a dose of the luck o the Irish to ya!!🍀🍀❤

how fun to have your granddaughter coming..inforget why you call her PAL but have fun!!

i love those poppies..our news one day this week was talking about all the CA wildflowers. sadly, here in eastern NY we are quite a ways from seeing blooms!!

happy weekend!

Barbara H. said...

Happy Birthday! That is a beautiful iris - how sweet of your friend to share it with you. And sweeter still to be expecting loved ones! Expected company inspires me to do housecleaning, too. :-)

ellen b said...

Those poppies! Happy Birthday dear Willow! Have fun with Pal and her parents!

Deb J. in Utah said...

What a nice week, with great favorite. I do love California poppies - in fact I do love everything California - except the traffic, maybe. Happy Saint Patrick's day to you. Have a great weekend and enjoy your company!

Paula said...

Such lovely photos! I hope you had a Happy Birthday. Enjoy your visit with PAL. :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!!!



nikkipolani said...

I thought of you as Friday rolled around :-) Those are lovely words to pray on your special day and examples of God's overflowing beauty to delight your eyes. It's been years since I've visited the SB Botanical gardens. How terrific that you had a knowledgeable guide and an interesting topic.

Jocelyn said...

Happy birthday! Love the flowers - this spring has just been amazing for blooms. Enjoy your visit!

Meredith said...

Happy Birthday. SOunds like you had a wonderful week.

Ingrid said...

Looks as spring is in the air ! I also love a clean house but not cleaned by me, lol !