Friday, March 10, 2017

March #2 Friday Fave Fives

Some weeks are just 'there'.  This week has been like that.  Nothing special happening.  But that's a good week for me.  It's still important to focus on what things I an appreciate in my week.  Here is Willow's Week in Friday's Fave Five.

1.  Nice long conversation with one of my daughters.  I'm so very thankful to my girls (and boys) seem to like me and enjoy chatting with me.

2.  Last week at my Women's Bible Study class, the leader mentioned that a baby boy was in NICU and, since I just happened to be knitting a NICU sized hat, I passed it on to her to give to the family.  I love it when I know how my knitting obsession ability blesses someone else.

3.  Once a month we join a group of people in the Vegan Gourmet Club for a potluck dinner.  People from all over the area and in all age groups attend and we enjoy the yummy foods and then watch a video on healthy living.  This week I made some red lentil dhal and it was ALL GONE at the end of the meal.  Evidently, it was a hit.  AND someone washed the empty dish for me!

4.  We have had some lovely warm and sunny days this week which means I am able to walk during the day (twice!) and also spend a bit of time in the garden.  The snap peas are popping up, finally.

5.  Sometimes The Professor and I will get hooked on a TV series and faithfully watch it each week.  Somehow, we missed the last season of White Collar.  He found it at the library and brought it home.  We might have binge watched a few episodes.  No spoilers here, but the last episode and ending of the series was great.

I didn't take any photos this week.  Can you believe it?  But here are March photos from a former year.  Just for visual enjoyment.  These California poppies are blooming everywhere!


Wendy said...

Sometimes it's good to have a quiet week. Our weather has seemed a bit more spring like this week. I hope it stays that way.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lovely week, to me. I woke up to snow again this morning after quite a bit of warm (60s) spring weather. I think it will be here for a few days before we bounce back again. Not all bad - they call snow the "poor man's fertilizer"! Mary

ellen b said...

Glad your week went well. What an interesting gourmet club potluck that must be. I so enjoy talking to our adult children too. Hope your weekend is going well.

Barbara H. said...

One son and I loved White Collar, but I had taped the last several episodes and watched them long after the series ended. Loved the writing and the relationships on that show. It's so nice that our kids still like to talk with us at length. And how sweet to give one of your hats away in a situation like that.

Faith said...

it is a deep cold snap here on the. northeast this weekend so while i type this it is only 17 degrees!! where i was supposed to hike today is -14!!!!! the ranger said do NOT hike today!!

so. your poppy pics are making me smile as i sip steaming hot french. anilla coffee wearing my fleece lined flannel shirt and warm leggings. haha

yay for vegan clubs and yummy healthful food! our new craze is veggie potato gnocchi and my vegan girl LOVES it. in fact, most of lur meals at dinner are meatless now although i do still eat eggs. im not completely vegan.

How special to be able to give one of your hats to the baby!! in fact, my youngest was in the very cold weather today marching in the st patricks day parade and contemplated wearing the light blue hat you made ....she ended up taking black earmuffs instead but that blue hat has had a lot of use on her skating dates!

enjoy the weekend!

Meredith said...

It sounds like you have had a wonderful week. Happy Spring!

Ingrid said...

I think daughters talk more to their mothers than sons ! That's what my friends experiences too. I have a good relationship with my son, but it is not the same as with a daughter. Since 2 days spring moved in ! I hope the weather will stay a bit !

Come Away With Me said...

Even quiet weeks are chock full of blessings, aren't they. It sounds like you are still enjoying your retirement and not lacking in things to do. And now....I'm off to read your previous post about the England trip!

Susanne said...

Oh you are the 2nd one who has posted the California poppies! Lots of reminders of my grandma for me this FFF, as they always make me think of her. Another little one gets blessed by your generous gift of time and talent!

nikkipolani said...

Oh, I do love potlucks where everyone brings just the right things for all to enjoy. How thoughtful that someone even washed up for you!

I don't see poppies on my commute anymore, so glad you are sharing them here (even if from another year).