Monday, August 28, 2017

That Peanut Sauce Recipe...

Here it is.

            Adapted from The TMF Cookbook

1 cup chunky peanut butter
½ cup sweet soy sauce (I use ABC brand)**
Juice of one lemon
¼ of medium yellow onion, sliced
Hot sauce to taste of your choice (I use Indonesian sambal bajak, can also use tabasco sauce)
Water as needed; start with 1 cup

Saute onion in water until soft.  Add peanut butter, soy sauce and hot sauce with enough water to make a thick liquid.  Cook over medium heat, adding water as sauce thickens.  Just before turning off burner, add lemon juice.  Serve over rice and vegetables.

*note: I have started experimenting with adding ginger and we like the taste; if you like garlic, you could add that, too.
**note#2:  if you can't find the sweet soy sauce, you can use regular soy sauce and add brown sugar or molasses to sweeten it.

Other notes:  to make it easier to measure, I usually just take a jar of peanut butter which is normally about 2 cups (16 oz).  That doubles the recipe, but what's not to love about MORE PEANUT SAUCE?
I knew someone who used those dried, fried onions that come already packaged.  She thought cooking up my own onion was too much work.
Because I don't eat meat, I serve this over veggies and rice.  It's also good with sauteed meat on skewers.
I didn't create a pdf for this recipe.  You can just copy and paste it into a file.


Susan said...

Hurray! This recipe will be made this week. Thanks so much for coming to my site to let me know your recipe is here.

nikkipolani said...

Oh, thank you, Willow! I had a fantastic salad with a peanut dressing and have been thinking about peanut sauces in general. This sounds lovely on a variety of things.

Summer said...

This sounds wonderful :) Happy Tuesday, my friend.

Faith said...

Thank you for posting this!! Now I"m wondering if almond butter would work just as well...but I guess then you wouldn't get the peanut flavor. hm....pb and I don't agree much anymore.....

Tracy said...

Oh,this sounds sooo GOOD! Adding this to my recipe file now! :) I like experimenting sauces, and I like your idea of using this to serve over vegetables. Thank you, Willow :))) ((HUGS))

UplayOnline said...

Thanks so much for coming to my site to let me know your recipe is here.
